Thursday, August 30, 2007


Good day dear friends.
We ask your prayers for John Schaeffer of our church who was to undergo a stomach procedure up in Austin. He has had a rough couple of months with health issues and we pray for his quick recovery. Pending the outcome of this test he might be home for the Labor Day weekend.
Also, prayers for Katrina, our Children's Ministry Coordinator. She is undergoing an exam this afternoon.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Isaiah 7, 8, 9Identify passages in this section that are often seen as prophecies about the coming Messiah. How do you understand them in this context?
All in God's time, and all according to God's plans, even when they don't make human sense. But if you think about it, in the context of human relationships and interactions, God's prophecy for the people of Israel comes when brothers/sisters are up against brothers/sisters. The tribes that have now become nations, who are directly related you would think would be supportive and loving towards each other, but they're not. And doesn't that happen when material possessions are involved?
God says to them/us, "I'm going to act in an unbelievable way: A virgin shall conceive. And she will bear a son and his name shall be Emanuel, which means 'God with us.'" It will take this incredible act in the midst of their warring to show that God still cares and is still involved in our lives. And later the Names of that child are shared that further our hope in God's majesty and might.
What will it take in your life for you to know God is still God and in control? God already fulfilled the prophecies through Jesus. Jesus doesn't have to be born again and again, except in your heart. Having the presence of Jesus in your heart will mean your having the peace of God in your life. What's holding you back?
PRAYER: God of unexplainable wonder and might, come into my heart again or for the first time today. Let me have the presence and peace of the Lord Jesus. I ask this in His Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!