Monday, October 22, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here's an update on Rodney Swan. He continues to heal. I visited with him late yesterday afternoon and he was ready to come home (in his opinion!). Doctors may release him today. His main worry was what his students in his classes did on Friday! He was also watching the Cowboys on tv so he's coming along. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery.
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Ezekiel 43, 44, 45Why do you suppose such strict regulations are laid out for the priests in Ezekiel 44?
There is no room for both God and evil in a person's life. God will not share the space of your heart with anything that is not of His. And this is more true for those whose job it is to worship Him. Ezekiel knew from experience and from recent history that some of the Levite priests left their sacred job of tending to the things of God to become the priests for idol gods. Only the Levite priests who descended from Zadok were to now serve in the most sacred areas of God.
No matter how much we may try to justify our being involved with things that are not of God, the reality is that God will not want to share His sacred space with filth. And if we believe ourselves to be Christian our lives should only be filled with God and the things of God. The job of the priest is to educate and train by example. That is our job as well. Can people know we've been in the presence of God yesterday and today? Can people learn from the way that we live or do we do such a poor job that they learn nothing?
PRAYER: Loving, Holy God, help me to live a holy life. May the words, thoughts, actions of my life reflect my commitment to You. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!