Monday, January 23, 2012

Imagine being in a place of worship...

Amazing God of grace, pour out Your love upon the life and needs of this dear reader; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Our text for today comes from Mark 1: 21 Then they entered Capernaum. When the Sabbath arrived, Jesus lost no time in getting to the meeting place. He spent the day there teaching. 22 They were surprised at his teaching - so forthright, so confident - not quibbling and quoting like the religion scholars. 23 Suddenly, while still in the meeting place, he was interrupted by a man who was deeply disturbed and yelling out, 24 "What business do you have here with us, Jesus? Nazarene! I know what you're up to! You're the Holy One of God, and you've come to destroy us!" 25 Jesus shut him up: "Quiet! Get out of him!" 26 The afflicting spirit threw the man into spasms, protesting loudly - and got out. 27 Everyone there was incredulous, buzzing with curiosity. "What's going on here? A new teaching that does what it says? He shuts up defiling, demonic spirits and sends them packing!" 28 News of this traveled fast and was soon all over Galilee. (The Message)

Imagine, in a place of worship on the day of worship. For some of us now that seems rare for most people. It wasn't for Jesus. But not everyone in Capernaum was in the place of worship either, but there were enough to be blessed by their experience with Him. Jesus taught. Imagine the teachings of Jesus that were not recorded. I believe we have the core of those teachings in our gospels, but to be there and experience His voice, His thoughts, His examples as He taught from that from which He came! There is a difference between knowing and experiencing truth. One can read about truth all day long and that will not match what comes from those who experience it. And as sometimes happens in a setting where good and positive things are happening, something or someone will oppose or challenge it. Mark says it was a demon possessed man who knew who Jesus was. He questions Jesus and even declares that he knows what Jesus is up to; but this demon was no match for Jesus and Jesus cast him out. Those who were in worship that day saw what perhaps very little of those who were not there believed. But it did make for a great story that was spread through out Galilee.

Imagine being in a place of worship this coming Sunday. Imagine being there expectant and hopeful for a teaching from God about God's love. Imagine being one who supports and prays for that person who brings the message. Imagine more like you in worship doing the same.

PRAYER: Loving God of power to cast out that which "steals, destroys, and kills," even in church and worship settings, let me be among those who are there not only to receive but to share life in abundance. Let me also be among those who go out and share the stories of You love beyond the worship place, for You are needed everywhere. I ask this in the precious and powerful name of Jesus my Lord, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde