Monday, November 11, 2013

And Still They Said Yes

This graphic from

Temple Destroyers May Never Destroy You

From Luke 21: 5 Some people were talking about the temple, how it was decorated with beautiful stones and ornaments dedicated to God. Jesus said, 6 "As for the things you are admiring, the time is coming when not even one stone will be left upon another. All will be demolished." 7 They asked him, "Teacher, when will these things happen? What sign will show that these things are about to happen?" 8 Jesus said, "Watch out that you aren't deceived. Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I'm the one!' and ‘It's time!' Don't follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and rebellions, don't be alarmed. These things must happen first, but the end won't happen immediately." 10 Then Jesus said to them, “Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other. 11 There will be great earthquakes and wide-scale food shortages and epidemics. There will also be terrifying sights and great signs in the sky. 12 But before all this occurs, they will take you into custody and harass you because of your faith. They will hand you over to synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors because of my name. 13 This will provide you with an opportunity to testify. 14 Make up your minds not to prepare your defense in advance. 15 I'll give you words and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to counter or contradict. 16 You will be betrayed by your parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, and friends. They will execute some of you. 17Everyone will hate you because of my name. 18 Still, not a hair on your heads will be lost. 19 By holding fast, you will gain your lives.

Our daughter had to work yesterday, so Nellie and I took Liam to "his church." As we're walking into church a light rain started and Nellie and Liam shared the one umbrella in our car, and she's asking if he wanted to go to the nursery. He said no. He knew what to do. He picked up the big plastic bag filled with child goodies and joined us at our seat. I was very impressed with how well he behaved and listened to the sermon. There were several parts with which he connected; one was the pastor admitting that he went to church with his mom and always enjoyed the coloring and may have ruined more than his share of offering envelopes during this coloring days. What really hit home was that the pastor said that many a Sunday, if he behaved, his mom would treat him to a Happy Meal and an ice cold Coca Cola, "the nectar of the gods." He had Liam with "Happy Meal." Liam got up and hugged his grandma as if to say, "I think I'm behaving..."

Jesus stood with His disciples in a place like the church we were in yesterday. It's a beautiful, modern structure, and offers the latest in high tech equipment for presenting the Gospel in a relevant way; screens, projectors, speakers, computers, praise band with great music. And the plea was made to consecrate the pledge for continuing the work of Jesus Christ in this beautiful place. The invitation was made for every household to come up in whatever configuration may have been present. We knew Caitlin had sent in her pledge but being at work that day, she and Liam could not go up there. I felt what Nellie felt and I said, "I'm taking Liam up there to represent his household; I don't want them to miss out on the blessing the pastors are offering." I asked Liam to come with me, and he made his second trip to the front. He had gone by himself to children's sermon time, and now as we walked he knew something was being offered that was good. We knelt and I whispered to him how his mommy had offered to share with Jesus money to help the church. The pastor came and I explained we were there as Liam and Caty's household, and he prayed a blessing over us.

Great things like that happened in the Temple. The disciples wondered how Jesus could say what He said about one day "not even one stone will be left upon another. All will be demolished." When and How were all they could think to ask. Add to that the How can we be ready question thrown in. Jesus explained that there would be many signs, among them wars and rebellions, nations fighting nations, earthquakes, famines, epidemics, and great and terrifying things in the skies. And, Jesus continued, before all this happens, you will be arrested and harassed because of your faith. You will suffer much but do not be afraid nor plan what you are to say because He himself will give us the words such as cannot be contradicted nor countered. You may even suffer the betrayal from those you least expect, like parents, siblings, other relatives and friends, and some of you may even be put to death, but not a hair on your heads will be lost. If you hang on, you will gain all, especially your life.

The cartoon above from shows how some have treated this passage, as a money-making opportunity and you may have even seen a tv preacher or two talk about end times and how to be ready in the sense of knowing the right signs. Some have even taken strong political stances towards this country or against that one in the name of Christianity, but the truth is that no one know the day nor the hour; the main matter is not to waver in your faith in Jesus for any reason at all. To be ready is to be ready right now, and if it comes tomorrow or a thousand years after our death, we will still be ready. As the apostles said Yes, may we too say Yes in spite of what may come.

PRAYER: Loving God, help me to be a living sacrifice to You. May my life reflect my readiness to endure all things for You in a way that invites others to come to faith. This I pray in Christ Jesus my Lord, amen.