Thursday, July 18, 2024

God is Faithful

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20 I found David, my servant, poured holy oil on his head, 21 And I'll keep my hand steadily on him, yes, I'll stick with him through thick and thin. 22 No enemy will get the best of him, no scoundrel will do him in. 23 I'll weed out all who oppose him, I'll clean out all who hate him. 24 I'm with him for good and I'll love him forever; I've set him on high - he's riding high! 25 I've put Ocean in his one hand, River in the other; 26 he'll call out, 'Oh, my Father - my God, my Rock of Salvation!' 27 Yes, I'm setting him apart as the First of the royal line, High King over all of earth's kings. 28 I'll preserve him eternally in my love, I'll faithfully do all I so solemnly promised. 29 I'll guarantee his family tree and underwrite his rule. 30 If his children refuse to do what I tell them, if they refuse to walk in the way I show them, 31 If they spit on the directions I give them and tear up the rules I post for them 32 - I'll rub their faces in the dirt of their rebellion and make them face the music. 33 But I'll never throw them out, never abandon or disown them. 34 Do you think I'd withdraw my holy promise? or take back words I'd already spoken? 35 I've given my word, my whole and holy word; do you think I would lie to David? 36 His family tree is here for good, his sovereignty as sure as the sun, 37 Dependable as the phases of the moon, inescapable as weather." (Psalm 89:20-37 The Message Bible)

"I'll be there!" Ever heard that from a church member and then you were surprised that they didn't show? Maybe the first time. "You can count on me!" Same question. Maybe the first time. "I'll cover you (or it)!" And again, we learn. There are those people who have no trouble promising one thing and not coming through. They don't mean harm or malice; it's just that they forgot, or were not able to; and yes, there are malicious people who never are completely truthful about what they will do after having said they will. Well, there is hope in this passage, and the hope is in God. God is faithful. We try to be. Well, some of us. Not so God. God is of His word.

This is a marvelous passage told from God's perspective about His covenant with David. We remember the story of when God had the boy anointed king, and this is the narrative of God keeping His word about all that was involved in that promise.

God's commitment to David and his descendants shines brightly through His promises of protection, favor, and eternal reign. This passage underscores several profound truths about God's character and His unwavering faithfulness.

God selected David as His anointed, promising to stand by him steadfastly. Please keep in mind that this was a profound call upon David's life. The boy had been busy minding the sheep and writing psalms on his lyre when the call came. God also knew that because King Saul was still alive that that in itself would present one of the biggest hurdles that David would have to overcome. And then there was that giant event with Goliath. But God vowed to defeat David's enemies and exalt him above all earthly kings. And if God says it we should believe it, because God will keep His word. God’s commitment transcends generations, assuring David's lineage of an enduring throne and everlasting love. Also, we keep in mind that the party of the second part of this holy contract, aka covenant, is of a human origin and orientation thus the weaknesses that is built into this relationship.

Despite the potential for disobedience from David's descendants, God's love remains constant. If they turn from His guidance and rebel, there will be consequences. However, God assures that His covenant will stand firm, never rescinding His word or withdrawing His promises. And this is also true for us. Whatever we may have been called to, we can bank on God's word. No obstacle will be bigger than God, and God will always be triumphant.

PRAYER: Loving God, we praise You for Your unwavering faithfulness and steadfast love, as revealed in Your covenant with David. Thank You for the assurance that Your promises are unshakable and enduring. Help us to trust in Your faithfulness in every circumstance of life, knowing that Your plans are perfect and Your love is boundless. Grant us the grace to follow Your ways faithfully, that we may experience the fullness of Your blessings. May Your name be glorified forever and ever. It is in Jesus’s strong name we pray, Amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Consider the times when God has shown His faithfulness and love, even amidst challenges or uncertainties. Spend time in prayer and meditation on God's Word, allowing His promises to strengthen your faith and deepen your trust in Him. As you go about your day, seek opportunities to live out God's will obediently, honoring Him in all that you do. Let your life be a testament to God's enduring faithfulness, drawing others to experience His love and grace.

I love you and I thank God for you! There's much to do - but we can do it!

Win the world for Jesus!

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.

PRAYER UPDATE: The Rev. Virglio Vasquez Garza saw his surgeon this morning (Wednesday) for post-surgery followup and the doctor was very pleased with what he saw, and so we praise God and we should thank each other for making time to pray for one another.