Wednesday, July 03, 2024

God's Chosen Leader

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1 Before long all the tribes of Israel approached David in Hebron and said, "Look at us - your own flesh and blood! 2 In time past when Saul was our king, you're the one who really ran the country. Even then God said to you, 'You will shepherd my people Israel and you'll be the prince.'" 3 All the leaders of Israel met with King David at Hebron, and the king made a treaty with them in the presence of God. And so they anointed David king over Israel. 4 David was thirty years old when he became king, and ruled for forty years. 5 In Hebron he ruled Judah for seven and a half years. In Jerusalem he ruled all Israel and Judah for thirty-three years. 9 David made the fortress city his home and named it "City of David." He developed the city from the outside terraces inward. 10 David proceeded with a longer stride, a larger embrace since the God-of-the-Angel-Armies was with him. (2 Samel 5:1-5, 9-10 The Message Bible)

If you're at all familiar with the Star of David, it is two perfect triangles, that in my opinion, one triangle points north and the other triangle points south. David is long credited as being the king who united both the kingdom of Judah and Israel. This is the passage that brings that to life.

This passage is the culmination of God's promise to David as he is anointed king over all Israel. David's journey to kingship was marked by years of waiting, trials, and challenges. Yet, through it all, God was preparing him for this significant role in Israel's history.

David's anointing as king is not merely a political event; it is a spiritual affirmation of God's chosen leader. Despite David's imperfections and the political tensions of the time, God saw his heart and appointed him to shepherd His people. This passage highlights several important aspects of David's leadership:

Firstly, David's leadership was marked by a recognition of God's sovereignty. The leaders of Israel acknowledged that David was chosen by God to shepherd His people, fulfilling the divine promise made years before (2 Samuel 3:9-10).

Secondly, David's journey to kingship was a testament to God's faithfulness and timing. He patiently waited for God's plan to unfold, enduring hardships and trials, yet always trusting in God's promise. When the time was right, God exalted David to the throne and established his reign over Israel.

Thirdly, David's leadership was characterized by spiritual and strategic wisdom. He fortified Jerusalem, making it the capital city and securing it against enemies. His success and strength did not stem from his own prowess alone but from the presence and favor of the Lord of Heaven's Armies.

From the pasture to the palace is an old saying among those who know David's life. A little boy taught to worship and trust God, who followed God all the days of his life. Yes, he, like us, was flawed, but since God grades on the curve, David was found to be worthy of God's favor. May we learn from this man's life; to give ample time to worship, praise, thank, and trust God.

PRAYER: Loving God, we thank You for the example of David, whom You chose and anointed as king over Israel. Like David, may we trust in Your timing and sovereignty in our own lives. Help us to patiently wait on Your promises and to rely on Your strength and wisdom in all circumstances. Just as You were with David, be with us, guiding and directing our steps according to Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! YOUR CALL TO ACTION: Reflect on a time when you felt uncertain or impatient while waiting for God's plan to unfold in your life. Consider how God's timing and faithfulness were evident in that situation. Ask God to renew your trust in His sovereignty and to grant you patience and perseverance as you wait on His perfect timing in current circumstances. Share your reflections with a friend or family member, encouraging them to trust in God's faithfulness in their own journey of faith.

I love you and I thank God for you!

Pastor Eradio Valverde, Jr.