Thursday, March 24, 2005


Good day dear friends. Today is Maundy Thursday and you're invited to attend your church. We will be having a service at 7 which will feature our commemoration of the first Lord's Supper. Everyone is invited and welcome. And tomorrow night also at 7 we'll have a service featuring the Seven Last Words of Jesus. Please make plans to be in worship for this Holy Week.

As we pray this morning please lift up Robin Brown again. She underwent a successful procedure and biopsy and results will not be known for about five or six days. She was in ICU last night and should be moved to a room sometime this morning. She is at Brook Army Medical Center in San Antonio. Our prayers for her husband, The Rev. Del Brown, and their children. This has been a difficult time for them.

Thursday: It took great faith on the part of the disciples to go and “borrow” a colt. Some may think back to times when our dads or moms asked us to do something we just knew we couldn’t or shouldn’t do, yet it turned out okay. How is it with your faith and Jesus? Has the Lord asked you to do something you just KNOW won’t turn out okay (or so you think right now?)

Yesterday in our Emmaus reunion group we spent a good time sharing and laughing. We laughed more than our share yesterday and it is one of the things I hold dear about this group. We share openly and honestly and sometimes that comes across quite humorously. But we were talking about the conversations between the disciples when they thought they were out of earshot from Jesus. The conversation recorded in the Bible are funny enough but we can only imagine some of what they shared when they thought the Lord couldn't hear them. One such conversation could have been the one early Palm Sunday when Jesus sends the disciples to borrow the donkey and colt. I remember the times I had a homework assignment and lamented I didn't have an encyclopedia set in our home and my dad would send me to borrow the volume I needed from our nextdoor neighbor. I hated trudging the ten or fifteen feet between our house and theirs and knocking on the door and asking very politely if I could borrow the "M" volume of their encyclopedia. I swore then and there that if ever I had children I would buy them a set! The only one we ever bought growing up was the A volume that Kroger had on sale for 99 cents. The rest cost more so ask me anything about subjects that start with A and I'll tell you! Nellie and I invested in a very expensive HUGE hate-to-move set that our girls NEVER used!

Here is where the disciples' faith came into action. They knew something important was up and it could only be accomplished in this possibly embarrassing task. To have faith to walk to the house, knock on the door and ask, might mean that the Lord would have a successful mission. To not have faith and not do this would mean that Jesus might send some other two disciples and we're already aware of the competition between them.

What has God asked of us? And what have we said? We have excuses for not doing them, but God provides reasons for doing exactly what needs to be done. And for as many times as we're sure we're going to be rejected or unsuccessful, we're amazed that God did have something special for us and it turned out just as we thought it wouldn't.

Don't put God off today. Ask for wisdom, strength and courage and do what you know God wants you to do. See the vision of you being successful in tackling whatever it is that stands before you. The victory is the Lord's!

PRAYER: God of victory, speak to us again with tasks and visions that are Yours for us. Let us seek from You that which we need to be more than victors in all things. Let all we do be for Your honor and glory. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a victorious day!! See you in church!

