Monday, March 14, 2005


Good day dear friends. Greetings from Dallas where we are touring universities in the area as next year sees our little one graduate from high school and she's off to college! Pray for us! ;)

Tuesday: The idea that bones could live again is not as important as these bones coming to know the Lord. Being a “bone” means being furthest away from God or completely spiritually dead. Wouldn’t you think the assignment to preach to bones is quite a difficult one? What would you do?

The biblical theme seems similar to all prophets. Speak the word of the Lord to those who need it but don't want it. Reread the call of almost all of the prophets and you'll see the assignments the prophets get are the ones that are not known for their ease. All of these were to preach to people who would react angrily towards any word from God. Yet, it was the prophet that God used to preach the word needed to bring the people back into relationship. It would be Jesus sent as the Son of the Most High to come and invite us all into relationship.

Ezekiel finds this spiritual vision of the valley of dry bones as a bit unusual, but is obedient even in this setting. And like all the prophets, those who are obedient and preach as directed, see the results that God promised when He first called. The idea is that even when it seems like there is no hope or life left, God has other ideas and all the power to restore.

The thing to do is to be obedient and open to the calling of the Lord. Share in those situations where you feel led to do so. Don't hesitate or try to reason out what YOU think is possible. Be obedient to God's leading.

PRAYER: Lead us oh God to new levels of obedience. Use us in any and all situations were we can best serve. This is our prayer. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a blessed day!
