Friday, March 25, 2005


Good Good Friday to everyone.

We had a very powerful worship experience last night as we sat at the table together, 12 at a time. Those of us serving noticed that whenever the chalice was jostled and the juice spilled it was very much like what we imagined the Lord's blood falling on that day.

This is a day of bloodshed. Our Lord knew it was coming for He talked about it on that Thursday at the table with the twelve. The question is, what are we going to do about it?

Those in the San Marcos area are invited to our church at 7 p.m. to take part in what we are praying is a moving service. Bring someone with you.

Here is our study guide:

Friday: For our day of prayer, praise God for the victory Jesus has even today in so many lives. Pray for those who have not yet made Jesus the Lord of their lives and pray for this church to be a part of that ministry that may bring fullness of life to them. Make this a day of commitment and reflection. Commit yourself to doing all that God may ask of you. Commit yourself to be the example of Christ that may bring someone in your family to fullness of life. Pray for the upcoming Easter Sunday services that each may speak the truth about God’s love for your life.

Have a blessed day!

PS: Sunday we have several services: 7 Sunrise, 8:30, 9:30, two 11 o'clock services, contemporary and traditional.
