Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Mark 13, 14Put yourself in the role of an observer or a disciple in these chapters and comment on what you hear and see.
These chapters are the final chapters with the Lord before His crucifixion. Jesus is using this time as the final sharing or teaching before He can no longer be with them alone; and He uses this time to talk about End Times. Jesus knew that in their hearts the disciples were still awaiting something spectacular along the lines of political or military demonstrations. Most of them believed Jesus would be set up as the King of the Jews and that they would become governors alongside Him. And yet Jesus says to them as they marvel at structures they believed would be theirs one day, one day not one stone of these shall be upon another. In their minds they must surely think, yes, a thousand years from now; but to be sure let's ask. And Jesus can only give them the warning signs, nothing definite.
Advent is a time of preparation not only for the remembrance celebration of the first Christmas, but also the preparation of our hearts and souls for the second coming of Christ. The hymn we sang on Sunday was one of Charles Wesley's poems set to music about that glorious event. Yet, many of us still worry if we have enough time to do our Christmas shopping.
PRAYER: Lord of the first and second Advents, prepare my heart and spirit for You. Be glorified in my life I ask in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!