Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Good day dear friends,
Our brother and dear friend John Morrissett was taken to the ER on Monday with an elevated heartbeat. He was treated and released home the same day. I spoke with Beth yesterday afternoon and she reports John continues to self-monitor his heartbeat and should it get elevated again he will have to be taken back to the hospital. Please keep John and Beth in your prayers.
Here is our study guide for today:
Wednesday: Luke 17, 18, 19List insights on prayer you gain from Luke 18:1-14.
What I gained from this passage about prayer is that we should be persistent in our requests to God. We should not give up trusting or asking God for whatever need we believe we have. We should however, know that as we pray we know that we should be asking that perhaps our attitude towards the need changes as we pray. It could be that a change in attitude may bring about the solution that we're praying for. The story of the widow shows a woman of determination and faith. We should be like her.
In the second example of the pious man and the tax collector, we get the model of honesty and humility in our prayers. When we pray we're going before the Most High and as such we need to humble ourselves. We don't go to God to brag about our accomplishments but rather to get right with God. The pious man thought prayer was a great time to show off what he did and who he was, while the tax collector realized his need was to get right with God. Whose prayer did God hear? God heard them both, but one made Him realize that some still haven't gotten it yet. The other one made God happy in knowing some still go to Him to get it right.
PRAYER: Lord, I confess I am not what I should be, forgive me. Help me be the person You would have me be. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!