Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Please don't forget those in the SM area, that tonight at 6 p.m. we're having our Home for Christmas Prayer Service. Several have shared three names of neighbors, friends, etc. that they want invited to our Christmas Eve services and we will be praying for those individuals and families as well as praying for the Lord to bless our church. It won't take long, but it will be a powerful service. Also, our TV ad is available online at click on the Home for Christmas part of the front page of our website.
I have not heard back from Dr. Judy Allen, she was to have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon and I will share that update as soon as I hear.
On a very happy note, our eldest daughter, Nellie Maria, is now engaged. Jorge Garcia, her intended proposed to her last night and Nellie accepted. Please keep Nellie and George in your prayers.
Here is our study guide for today:
Wednesday: Mark 15, 16Why do you think the writer identifies Simon of Cyrene as “the father of Alexander and Rufus” (Mark 15:21-22)?
Simon of Cyrene forever has a special place in the heart of Jesus and the followers of Jesus. He was the man forced to carry the cross for Jesus for a significant part of that death walk. I don't know if he considered it an honor at that time or not, but I know that Jesus was grateful for this needed assistance. As Mark writes this in his gospel he feels it necessary to further identify Simon beyond where he was from, he also says, this man is the father of those whom you know, Alexander and Rufus. The tradition is that Alexander and Rufus had some standing in the Christian church in Rome while this gospel is being written. Some have identified Simon since he is from Libya of being the first African Christian, though others claim that there was a large Jewish population in Cyrene of which he could have been a member.
To be the father of those known for their Christian life is not a bad thing. It speaks highly of those who raise their children in ways that lead them to the Lord. Tradition says that Alexander and Rufus were Christian missionaries who took the message of Jesus into the world. We can't know for certain what they did, but we do know their father did a great thing for the Lord and tradition also says that Simon went on to be an evangelist for the Lord as well.
What has Jesus done in your life? What have you done for Jesus in your life? The two are closely related. Recognize what Jesus has done and then do something about it. Tell somebody!
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you for saving my life. Thank you for lifting me up from the pits of despair and destruction. Help me this day share a word or two of the goodness and life that I have found in You. I pray this in Thy Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!