Monday, December 03, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Mark 10, 11, 12As you read Mark 12, and observe the confrontations between Jesus and his opponents, reflect on what Jesus said to the scribe in 12:28-34. Why did Jesus think the scribe was close to the Kingdom? How close?
God desires relationship with us. God is a God of love. Love requires relationship. For Jesus to be asked the question of which was or is, the greatest commandment, was an easy one for Jesus. Jesus answered with His scripture and spoke of relationship necessary between us and God. It is not an easy love, for it is an all-encompassing love, a love that permeates all areas and aspects of our lives. There is not one dark, secret corner where God is not present nor should we speak of not having love. The love for God is to love God with our very being. And Jesus said we carry this love even further by loving others in the same way we love ourselves. God made us to love ourselves in a positive, encouraging way; and that is the way we should love others.
As for the scribe he understood this and his response to Jesus made Jesus reply that the scribe was close to the Kingdom of God. We are close to the Kingdom as well when we take our love relationship with God to our everyday lives. The other day when I spoke of discipleship that was what I was talking about, loving others and taking that love outside our churches into the streets, into our homes, our work places, our play spaces, etc. We are a people of relationship and we should be in relationship with God.
PRAYER: Loving God, let me seek ways to grow in my love relationship with You. Help that to carry over in my relationship with others. I pray this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!