Gracious and loving God, bestow on this dear reader all that she or he needs as they face the challenges and joys of life. In Jesus' Name, amen!
The last backpack is perhaps the heaviest one, if that's possible. It is the burden of fear. Don't you love those verses in the Bible where God says, "I have created man and woman to live as scared creatures - they will be unable to do anything..." If you said yes, you're not at all familiar with the Bible and I encourage you to get to a church and ask there for a free Bible. Yes, free. Most churches will give you a Bible free of charge. What you must give God and God's church is the time to read it! No where in the Bible does it say that God created us to live in fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self discipline.” God can replace our fears with courage. Think about the fears in your life: fear of failure, fear of losing your marriage, not having enough money, fears over your children's wellbeing, fear of growing old and fear of death; think about God's presence with you and God's plan for your life. It does not include our being afraid. We were just not made that way. Look back at the Creation Story, we were given power to rule over all things, not to be afraid!
Life would be more meaningful and more filled with blessing if we would confess to God that yes, we do get afraid and nervous sometimes, but those are the precise moments God wants to help us and be with you. Take that backpack off and give it to Jesus.
PRAYER: Lord, help me to live a forgiven life. I turn over to You all of my fears. Replace each one with a healthy heaping of courage! In Jesus' Name, He who had no fear and Who gave His all, AMEN!
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde