Gracious and loving God, please bless this dear reader and all s/he may face today. In Jesus' Name, amen.
Dear friends, greetings from Wilmore, KY where I am attending the semi-annual board meeting of Asbury Theological Seminary. I apologize for not having sent out the ConCafes for Tuesday and today, but our schedule is hectic and I have not had immediate access to the internet and on one occasion, my own laptop! I hope to send one out later today for today and this one will count for yesterday.
Please be in serious prayer for my granddaughter, Saraí Evangelina Cortez, 2 yrs old, who undergoes dental surgery tomorrow in San Marcos. As you can imagine her mom and dad are very nervous about this as are her grandparents on both sides, but we know with all of us praying, God will bless her and allow her to come out of this with His blessings.
Her name is Jocabeth and she was a woman of deep faith. Her faith allowed her to have courage to stand up to the most powerful leader in the world, and to defy the order of the day which was to reduce the population of her type of babies. Don't you hate when someone refers to someone else, as "your type of people?" She lived through this. Her type of people were Hebrews and the leader in question was Pharoah, who had ordered that all male children born to the Hebrew women were to be put to death. She gave birth to a son and for three months nursed him and loved him. She thanked God the Hebrew midwives did not follow the order of Pharoah for he knew they would not kill the children and ordered them to throw the male children into the Nile River, but they did not follow this either.
When the baby was three months old, trusting God, she placed her son into a floating basket and allowed him to float down the river to the place where Pharoah's daughter bathed daily. Jocabeth sent her daughter to watch the basket and to watch over her son's journey. When the baby was found, the royal daughter claimed the child as her own. The baby's sister alert to this, asked if the woman wanted a Hebrew woman to nurse the child. The response was positive and of course, this girl knew the perfect Hebrew woman to do the job.
The child was, of course, Moses, future great leader of God's people in the Exodus from Egypt and a shaper of the faith during the forty years of formation in the wilderness.
We thank God for women of faith who trust God above all and everyone else. We know that by asking, all of us could have that same faith that allows for seemingly impossible things to be possible.
PRAYER: Lord God, let my faith increase today so that I can trust You more as Jocabeth did even in the face of terrible circumstances. Help me to be a person of faith and receive our thanks for women like Jocabeth who have great faith. In Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde