Loving God, let this dear reader be blessed with freedom to serve and be blessed by You today. In Christ's Name, amen.
What would have driven a writer to compose these words: "My guilt overwhelms me; it is a burden to heavy to bear?" The writer is King David himself in Psalm 38:4. This is the basis for the second, heavy backpack we carry around, the backpack of guilt. We have all done, said, or even thought, things we shouldn't and the burden of having done so weighs us down heavily. It may be evident in our walk, we seem to be looking for money on the sidewalk instead of enjoying what God so freely offers in His creation. We ask forgiveness from God, God offers it, and we don't quite receive it, choosing instead to wallow in our guilt.
Paul lived a life where murder had been involved. As far as he was concerned it was justified; to arrest and bring Christians to trial was a good and just thing. After his Damascus encounter with Jesus, that all changed. Paul had a "near-life" experience and lived his life in that way, writing later, "Everyone who believes in Him is freed from all guilt and declared right with God." (Acts 13:39). It is a declaration that still holds today. If you believe in all that Jesus did, especially taking our place on the cross and dying for us, our sins are forgiven, if we ask, and our guilt is removed!
Friend, that weight you carry around by a sin that has already been forgiven, has to come off right now. Your life cannot enjoy the riches that God offers if we stumble or fall under the weight of guilt. Confess your sins to the Lord, ask Him for forgiveness, and ask Him to remove the backpack of guilt from your life.
PRAYER: Loving God, you know my sins and I lay them before you as that which needs to be cleansed from my life. I confess that I am a sinner, and I ask, that with Your help, I may repent of my sins. Please remove the weight of guilt from my life and let me live life as Your Son taught us, that we might not only have life, but that in the fullest. I ask this in His precious Name, Jesus Christ, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde