Loving God, healing belongs to You; share whatever this dear reader needs. In Christ Jesus' precious name, amen.
Prayer Request: This morning at Harlingen Medical Center, John Akers is undergoing surgery to have a heart stint put in. Please keep John and his wife, Sue, in your prayers.
I have been going to church all of my life. That sounds very familiar, doesn't it? As a result I became a believer at an early age. The idea of yoking with Christ was shared with me some Sunday morning by one of my pastors and I made the invitation to Jesus to enter into my heart. That changed my perspective on life. I have to admit I was fascinated by the word of God and whenever I had control of the television I would stop at those channels where God's word was being shared. Among the early televangelists I saw A. A. Allen, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, and Kathryn Kuhlman. Somehow I got on Gene Ewing's mailing list, receiving a "Gold Book" which was really a coupon book for my sending in monthly donations to this man's ministry. He promised I would get financially blessed if I did. We both missed out I suppose. What intrigued me most about these folks was their claim to be involved in divine healings, some on the air. I saw as these preachers claimed to heal "short leg" problems; one leg was always shorter than the other and miracle of miracles, live on recorded television, "both legs are the same size now!"
I share that because I truly believe healing belongs to God. I truly believe that in some cases, through prayer, God can still heal in some unexplainable, incredible way. The basis for this comes from Acts 3 where Peter and John, two of the apostles, heal a man who for forty (40) years had been crippled and depended on the kindness of others to lift him and place him at the entrance to the Temple, where he hoped worshiping folks might share an alm with him. On that day this man asks for alms from Peter and John who reply, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you; In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!" Peter takes the man by the hand and the Bible says "his feet and his ankles were strengthened." The cool thing is that this man followed them into the Temple, to praise God and give thanks for his healing. Read verse 8: "Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God." Don't you love that last part about "walking and leaping and praising God?" When was the last time you leaped into church? And please don't say it was when you smelled freshly baked cinnamon rolls.
Yoked with Christ, Peter and John shared what they knew; that God heals. Men of prayer, for they were going to the Temple at the hour of prayer, these knew that God could do wonderful, incredible, unexplainable things. That story continues with Peter and John being hauled into the Council to be interrogated about how and in whose name they had done these things. They reply there is only one name through which healing comes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The council deliberates their verdict and all they could determine was that these two were "companions of Jesus." And they were. Are you? If you're yoked with God, your life will make a difference in the lives of others. And that's all God wants.
PRAYER: Take my life Lord, and let it be consecrated to Thee. Let me be Your companion so that I may be yoked with You and serve You in ways that You will find wonderful and beautiful. Bring healing to those who today face surgery or live in pain. Let my prayers reflect the faith I should have in You. Let me be Your witness. In Jesus' Name I pray, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde