Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Loving God of all days, bless and protect the needs and life of this dear reader today and all days; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Our text for today comes from Exodus 24:12 God said to Moses, "Climb higher up the mountain and wait there for me; I'll give you tablets of stone, the teachings and commandments that I've written to instruct them." 13 So Moses got up, accompanied by Joshua his aide. And Moses climbed up the mountain of God. 14 He told the elders of Israel, "Wait for us here until we return to you. You have Aaron and Hur with you; if there are any problems, go to them." 15 Then Moses climbed the mountain. The Cloud covered the mountain. 16 The Glory of God settled over Mount Sinai. The Cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day he called out of the Cloud to Moses. 17 In the view of the Israelites below, the Glory of God looked like a raging fire at the top of the mountain. 18 Moses entered the middle of the Cloud and climbed the mountain. Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights. (The Message)

How long would you wait for God? You could easily say, "We live in a fast-paced society, we're used to getting what we want instantly? We're the microwave generation - we can make water boil within seconds! We want instant on applicances and entertainments devices! We want people to pick up on the first or second ring! We send and receive emails in nanoseconds. Who can wait for anything, let alone God?" Sadly, when we pray we also not only expect God to do what we tell God to do, but to do it right away. The old poster said, "LORD, I want patience and I want it now!" So, true, so sad. Imagine being Moses, called by God to climb the mountain to wait for God. God had not let Moses down. Moses climbed the mountain as told, and The Cloud covered the mountain for six days. It was on the seventh day that God called to Moses. Could you have waited a week after being called? Then once God's glory was revealed, Moses spent forty days and nights with God.

It's interesting now how the computer world is talking and selling The Cloud as the newest and greatest thing. As Christians we have had The Cloud for thousands of years. It is the reassuring knowledge of the presence of God in our lives. While we may not see it as did the people of God, there are reminders and signs along the way of our lives that God walks with us. And through Christ Jesus we have seen the glory of the Lord. If we worship with open eyes, minds, and spirits every Sunday, Glory will be revealed to us. If we do a loving kindness to someone, we will also see the glory of God. And it will serve to encourage us and strengthen us in our journey with God.

PRAYER: Loving God at times I forget about Your presence near me. At times I pray and feel like my prayers are not answered. At times I act like I don't belong to You. Let me put that back where it belongs and let me live my life in a way tha blesses You and Yours. I pray this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.

Eradio Valverde