Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When Evil Comes Knocking

Loving God of relationship, grant that the relationship between You and this dear reader be blessed beyond measure today; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Our study of The Lord's Prayer continues with "But deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6: 13 KJV).

Our God is a God of protection. Jesus knew this and asked for it in this model prayer. Jesus, being human and sensitive to human needs, knew the draw and presence of evil in this world. Evil takes many forms and some of them even sometimes appear to be attractive and desireable for one's wellbeing. Take revenge, for example. Earlier in the prayer Jesus prayed about our needing to forgive those who have harmed us or trespassed against us, but evil is that which also says, when you get the chance, take it and use it for all its worth! Evil is taking care of one's selfish needs, be they emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual regardless of the cost or harm against someone else. Evil is clearly un-Christian. Jesus knew that we need to pray to be wide-awake and aware of evil that seems too good to be true for us; a daily walk with God will let you know it probably is not good.

Where does evil knock on your life? Your heart? Your brain? Your stomach? Other areas of your body? Jesus has the answer: Prayerfully ask God to be delivered from the things that we know can harm or hurt, destroy, and ultimately kill us and/or others.

PRAYER: Loving God, I pray for Your stronger grip on my hand and life today. Let me know when evil is knocking in a suave, inviting way in my life, and deliver me from it. I ask this for me and for those whom I love. In Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name I pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde