Nothing worse than a church fight. Well, worse is a divided church, where people take sides and the pastor(s) find themselves outnumbered and outgunned by both sides. Peter knew this for he had seen and experienced it within the religious leaders of his day and how they plotted against Jesus and brought Jesus to a mock trial and forced His death. Peter knew that sort of deception and dishonesty would continue even until today. Why does this occur? A dis-connect with God and an unwillingness to dis-connect from ourselves. Those who stay in prayer constantly connect with God. Those who read and prayerfully study the scriptures connect with God. And these are the least likely to fall for those things that are not of God's. They know to seek what God wants, not what they want or what will directly benefit them. They know that God's mission is beyond the four walls of the church and anything set up just to please members fails God.
Are you connected with God? Are you at least seeking that connection? If so, you're on the right path; no one will blindfold you and lead you away!
PRAYER: God of Truth and Light, speak to our hearts as we seek You. Help us to see that which brings honor and glory to You. Don't let us fall for anything, instead let us stand for You. We pray this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde