Monday, February 04, 2019

I Can't Handle All This Holiness!  Leave Me Alone!

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Once when he was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret, the crowd was pushing in on him to better hear the Word of God. He noticed two boats tied up. The fishermen had just left them and were out scrubbing their nets.  He climbed into the boat that was Simon's and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Sitting there, using the boat for a pulpit, he taught the crowd.  When he finished teaching, he said to Simon, "Push out into deep water and let your nets out for a catch."  Simon said, "Master, we've been fishing hard all night and haven't caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I'll let out the nets."  It was no sooner said than done - a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity. They waved to their partners in the other boat to come help them. They filled both boats, nearly swamping them with the catch.  Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell to his knees before Jesus. "Master, leave. I'm a sinner and can't handle this holiness. Leave me to myself."  When they pulled in that catch of fish, awe overwhelmed Simon and everyone with him.  It was the same with James and John, Zebedee's sons, coworkers with Simon.  They pulled their boats up on the beach, left them, nets and all, and followed him. (Luke 5: 1-11 The Message)

It's the Monday after the Super Bowl, a day many consider worthy of being a national holiday or at least a day off.  However you may feel about that or the game (if you could call it that?) or the winner; this is a time to be super with God.  May our thoughts, prayers, actions reflect that we are on the winning team over sin and death thanks to Jesus our Lord!  So, dear Friend, prepare for the day through this time with God's word!

Yesterday at worship, a gentleman came in with his family and for most of the praise time, he had his head bowed, body leaning forward as if in deep prayer.  I prayed for him and wondered what was moving him to do this.  He was in the right place and I believe in the right attitude towards what can and does happen when we're open to God.  If we had a rough night on Saturday, if we fought with a loved one, or if things seem to be mounting up faster and stronger than we expected, we can turn those all over to the Lord and ask for Him to handle it. Luke records a story very similar to that in this his take of the call of Jesus' first disciples.  It's a fish story all right, but a gracious one.  Peter, Andrew, James and John, all depended on a good catch.  It was their livelihood.  Jesus comes after an all-night fishing charter that did not yield a thing.  This traveling rabbit asks to use their boat as a pulpit and He preaches to a crowd, then tells Simon to push out into "deep water" for a catch.  Simon Peter replies that they had been trying that all night long and nada.  Yet, he does as Jesus requests and in comes the catch.  It was such a catch that Simon signals to James and John to come with their boat to help with the haul.  From having two empty boats to having two full boats, almost sinking from the big catch, it hits Simon in a deep way.  "Master, leave.  I'm a sinner and can't handle this holiness.  Leave me to myself."  Filled with awe, the other two brothers decided they would leave everything and follow Jesus.

Jesus comes at the right time with the right solution, and even though they could not understand it, they needed it.  This one catch was enough probably for a week's work or more.  The solution was to simply try again, this time in deeper water, perhaps an area they might have feared going into.   To me it begs the question, how do we handle when we seem to be doing what we think is a lot and having no results?  Our churches are not as full as they used to be, and the majority of churches are completely fine with that, ready with the standard hymns, No. 101, "We've Tried that Before," with the stirring refrain, "And it didn't work!"  No. 102, "Somebody Else Better Try That, Cuz It Ain't Gonna Be Me!"  Again, the refrain, "I'm so tired; all I do is work around here.  It's somebody else's turn!" And there's more.  But look at the story again; Jesus comes and Jesus does, IF we are obedient and willing to try again or to try something new.  The challenge from Jesus was to go into deeper areas, even frightful ones, and share again what you do, this time with Jesus leading you.  And the results may have many exclaiming what Simon did; "I can't handle this holiness; leave me to myself."  l know he didn't mean that, it was his response of awe to what Jesus can and does do, if invited, and if we are obedient.  And the emphasis is on Jesus and His desires and not on us.  The holiness will happen and it could just involve you!

PRAYER:  LOVING God, speak to me and to my needs.  I pray that I might be a part of something holy and unexpected happening in my life and in my church.  Help me to seek deeper waters and let me invite You to lead me and show me what I am to do, and may the results bring honor and glory to You.  This I pray in Christ Jesus' strong name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!  Seek the deep waters among those who need to be "caught" for Jesus!

Eradio Valverde

PRAYER UPDATE:  Dear ones, thank you for your prayers for Rev. Virgilio Vasquez Garza.  His surgery corrected the problem with a pressure reading of 10 which that eye had not had in a long time.  He is recovering now and thankful that God answered his prayers.  Pray for his complete recovery, pray for one another, and pray for yourself.