Thursday, July 02, 2020

We Are God's Business Cards!

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Narration of Today's Devotional:

8 God is all mercy and grace - not quick to anger, is rich in love. 9 God is good to one and all; everything he does is suffused with grace. 10 Creation and creatures applaud you, God; 11 your holy people bless you. They talk about the glories of your rule, they exclaim over your splendor, 12 Letting the world know of your power for good, the lavish splendor of your kingdom. 13 Your kingdom is a kingdom eternal; you never get voted out of office. God always does what he says, and is gracious in everything he does. 14 God gives a hand to those down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit. (Psalm 145:8-14 The Message)

Happy Thursday dear Friend! We have a praise report for Lauren Williams and that is she is out of ICU and in a private room; still needing our prayers for her healing. Please continue to hold her in prayer as well as those who love and pray for her. Please continue to pray for our nation, our world, our communities, and our brothers and sisters who are in need of God's blessings. Pray for one another; pray for yourselves.

I like business cards. A business card will say a lot about a person and his/her taste, their profession, their contact information and quite possibly what they can do. Some are printed horizontally, some vertically. Some have interesting shapes, i.e. a snow cone company with a snow cone shaped card; some are tiny, some are magnetic. This passage could be the information on God's business card. If you took verse 8 and verse 14 you have what God can do for you. The rest contains God's references and contact information. The Bible continues to be God's love letter to the world, but this passage I will claim as God's business card. It's shaped like you, because God made you. The card has no color, but as you hold it, it radiates love; and unlike any other business card, this card immediately connects you with Him.

You first notice that "God is all mercy and grace - not quick to anger, is rich in love." Add to it this description, "God is good to one and all; everything he does is suffused with grace." And you sense that this is something that more people need to know about God. You know people that think they can never be forgiven for a past sin. You also know some who think God is angry at them and never pray because they think an angry God will not "answer" His phone. What does the beautiful hymn say? "We've a story to tell to the nations!" The rest of that hymn contains what we have to share with the world because of what we have seen and experienced. "A story of truth and mercy, A story of peace and light, We’ve a song to be sung to the nations, That shall lift their hearts to the Lord, A song that shall conquer evil And shatter the spear and sword..."

And then as I think more about it; you are God's business card, as am I. We have his contact information; we're references to what God has done; and we are listed as partners on that card because of the responsibilities that we have to God and to God's people. We are those who should radiate love to all people; in us the verses above should be made real. We should be people of mercy, like God. We should be more tolerant and merciful to others, and we should tell others about God's power and glory, and do what we can do to reach others to join the Kingdom of God along with us.

The greatest message on that card (us): "God gives a hand to those. down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit." Who doesn't need to hear that message from time to time? Are we ready?

PRAYER: Loving God, for the responsibility of being Your children, we ask that You make us bold and strong. Grant to us the wisdom and the courage to share Thy truths. This we pray in Christ Jesus' name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! May you be busy representing God today!

Receive my blessings of love and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde