Thursday, September 03, 2020

I Don't Remember Praying That!

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Hear the Narration of today's devotional here:

1 Hallelujah! Sing to God a brand-new song, praise him in the company of all who love him. 2 Let all Israel celebrate their Sovereign Creator, Zion's children exult in their King. 3 Let them praise his name in dance; strike up the band and make great music! 4 And why? Because God delights in his people, festoons plain folk with salvation garlands! 5 Let true lovers break out in praise, sing out from wherever they're sitting, 6 Shout the high praises of God, brandish their swords in the wild sword-dance - 7 A portent of vengeance on the God-defying nations, a signal that punishment's coming, 8 Their kings chained and hauled off to jail, their leaders behind bars for good, 9 The judgment on them carried out to the letter - and all who love God in the seat of honor! Hallelujah! (Psalm 149 The Message)

When was the last time you said the word Hallelujah? Was it in church? I didn't think so? Was it in the grocery store after finding toilet paper/paper towels? Or, seeing the price of gasoline had fallen below $1.50? There were days when the Hispanic Methodists and all Protestants were taunted and jeered as Aleluyas (Spanish way of saying Hallelujah). My Dad had to request my Mother's hand in marriage three times because my grandfather said my Dad was an Aleluya. I know some fear to say something out loud because the head usher may come and request us to leave... Okay, I tease!

Friend, as we pray, let us rejoice in the great news that our grandson, Eli Ryan Muñoz was cleared of having jaundice, and that his weight had increased, and all looks well on that little, but ever-growing little boy. To God be the glory! And I've said hallelujah more than once since hearing that news. I would invite you to pray that God remove a membrane that is growing on my retina. My eye doctor is a true man of faith and said he believed that could happen, and so do I! He also said the cataract that he had believed needed to come out soon was hardly noticeable now, so... God complete Thy good work in this old man's eye!

This is a wonderful psalm. I used it as my latest episode on You can listen to it by clicking on the link below. In it I shared what I believe to be profound truths of God. Chief among them, sometimes God blesses us with answered prayers that we didn't even pray! I count among them the fine medical doctors I see, both of whom are men of God and men of active faiths. Every time I visit with them I am in awe and say, "I don't remember praying for that kind of visit with that kind of doctor!" And I love saying that in the company of my wife (See verse 1: "praise Him in the company of all who love Him."). I also tease about the history of our dear, aging churches, where once upon a time, only two instruments were "allowed" in the sanctuary/worship area/space of our churches, the piano that Jesus played, and the organ that St. Paul used to sing his messages to the Greeks. And I still remember being in high school and hearing my church and the churches of my friends having "guitar wars," meaning that no guitar, acoustic or electric could cross the threshold of the almighty sacred places! And Lord forbid the appearance of drums! And backing up to verse one again, the idea of "brand-new song(s)" were the basis of people leaving the church! I remember changing the Offertory hymn from 94 to 95 and one lady angrily confronted me and said she was leaving because we were singing a different (read new) offertory song! And then the Psalmist brings in "dance." Gulp. And imagine, a "wild sword dance" in First United Methodist Main Street USA? Bye, pastor! What David is truly saying, if you love God and are excited about that love, you will find new ways to express that love in joyous and awesome ways. I once had a relatively new church member ask me to re-baptize him. I said we only did it once. It took, in other words. "Yeah, but I don't remember it! I was just a baby!" I said, God remembers it, and that's what matters! I knew and respected where he was coming from; he had just re-discovered or discovered for the first time that God's love towards him was awesome, so I said, "Imagine sitting at the light one day and it hits you that Becky (his wife, though not her real name, is a really wonderful wife. And you feel the need to show her; have you ever thought to run home, grab her and bring her here and ask me to re-marry you?" He softly said, "Uh, no." Exactly. What do you do? You go and buy her flowers, or chocolates, or take her to supper, or find a way to show her that you really love her, right? "Yeah." Well, you can do the same with God; offer Him a prayer of love, offer him an additional offering on Sunday (bring me the box of chocolates! NO I didn't say that!), and show your love in that way. David is saying the same.

The psalm from verse 7 on changes tone to speak the reality of what is coming to those who have abandoned God. No bueno.

PRAYER: Loving God, how awesome is Your love for us! For all that we have unexpectedly received, we thank You and praise You. We pray that we would not hold back in writing brand new songs or finding brand new ways of showing our love towards You. Open our eyes to showing our love even to those who are less fortunate and thus glorifying You in that way. Thank You, Father. Receive our love; in Christ Jesus we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! Show your love to God by showing it to all!

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde

Hear pimplesandwrinkles here: