Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"We Miss the Covered Dish Suppers!"

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Hear the devotional narrated here:

2 The whole company of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron there in the wilderness. 3 The Israelites said, "Why didn't God let us die in comfort in Egypt where we had lamb stew and all the bread we could eat? You've brought us out into this wilderness to starve us to death, the whole company of Israel!" 4 God said to Moses, "I'm going to rain bread down from the skies for you. The people will go out and gather each day's ration. I'm going to test them to see if they'll live according to my Teaching or not. 5 On the sixth day, when they prepare what they have gathered, it will turn out to be twice as much as their daily ration." 6 Moses and Aaron told the People of Israel, "This evening you will know that it is God who brought you out of Egypt; 7 and in the morning you will see the Glory of God. Yes, he's listened to your complaints against him. You haven't been complaining against us, you know, but against God." 8 Moses said, "Since it will be God who gives you meat for your meal in the evening and your fill of bread in the morning, it's God who will have listened to your complaints against him. Who are we in all this? You haven't been complaining to us - you've been complaining to God!" 9 Moses instructed Aaron: "Tell the whole company of Israel: 'Come near to God. He's heard your complaints.'" 10 When Aaron gave out the instructions to the whole company of Israel, they turned to face the wilderness. And there it was: the Glory of God visible in the Cloud. 11 God spoke to Moses, 12 "I've listened to the complaints of the Israelites. Now tell them: 'At dusk you will eat meat and at dawn you'll eat your fill of bread; and you'll realize that I am God, your God.'" 13 That evening quail flew in and covered the camp and in the morning there was a layer of dew all over the camp. 14 When the layer of dew had lifted, there on the wilderness ground was a fine flaky something, fine as frost on the ground. 15 The Israelites took one look and said to one another, man-hu (What is it?). They had no idea what it was. (Exodus 16:2-15 The Message Bible)

Happy Wednesday to you and yours, dear Friend! May this find you well and enjoying God's blessings and favor in all your endeavors for today and this week. I ask we continue to pray for one another, for those beloved family members on our churches' prayer lists and just for those whom you know need a rich blessing from God! Pray for one another; pray for yourselves.

If we reread verse one we get the general theme of this people for the next forty years. And, if there is anything that can deflate the spirit and energy of most pastors is for us to constantly complain about him/her, the church, the committees, the hymns, the use of masks indoors, the lack of closeness and constant contact. Oh yes, one more thing, our fellowship dinners, aka covered dishes! And you kinda get the sense that this was bothering the new members of Moses' First United Traveling Ministry. By the second verse, they lit into Moses with that refrain, "We miss the covered dishes from back home!" This version has lamb stew as one of the menu items, as well as "all the bread we could eat." And we're just about talking about the UMW's reason for living; the preparation of delicious and interesting jello molds, jello salads, bean salads, Boston Baked Beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans, lima beans, corn salads, potato... well, you get the idea. A traveling church is very similar to a church in a pandemic. They had miles to go before they could eat and from the looks on the cooks, there wasn't much to choose from. The complaint was a solid one, there were no take-out places on this route. In and Out was simply Out. Whataburger was What burger? The golden arches were mirages in the sand, and quickly a committee to gripe against Moses was quickly formed. This was more a Pastor (we're) Perishing Committee, and only one agenda item to discuss; food and the lack of it. And in this case, God heard the complaint a little before it reached Moses' ears. God's reply, "I'm going to rain bread down from the skies for you." There will be so much bread, you will not know what to do; but the test will be that each do as I command. Sunday through Thursday, plenty o'bread and on Friday, double servings so that Saturday the UMW can have the day off for Sabbath worship.

A clear lesson is learned here as Moses discovered; all this complaining was being directed to God (verse 8); but God had planned the response; God would provide a bread unlike any they had ever eaten before, and they'll have plenty of meat as well. And it went as God directed; in the evenings, quail would fly in and the men of the group would show their licenses to the warden and bam! Bagged their limit and the women folk prepared the meat. In the mornings, dew would roll in and when it would lift, under the dew was a flakey bread unlike anything they had ever tasted before, evidenced by their using Hebrew to say to one another, "man-hu!" which is East Texan for I dunno. What they should have known was the simple lesson you and I already know; God provides.

And that was the purpose of the traveling church/university; God forming a people during the Exodus. The majority of the group as it left Egypt was mostly Hebrews, mixed in with a small group of disgruntled Egyptians and as they traveled they met up with people who chose to join them and so were assimilated into this new people that God wanted to form, the Jews. Their first lesson and constant lesson; if you cry out to God, God listens and responds. God intervenes and delivers. And wasn't this the same group, who in last week's OT lesson saw the Red Sea parted? Of course it was! And if God can split the ocean to set your free, you'll have your meals too. God always provides.

Now, what's making you want to complain in your life? (And you're not alone!). Universally, the thing we still hear is "When is this pandemic going to finally be over? When will I be able to hold my new grandchild? When will I see my son and his family again? And the list is valid, but quite lengthy. We can say a Biblical thing in response: God will provide; in His time.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as people of the clock we find distraction in keeping and watching the minutes and hours drag on. It seemed like only last week we trimmed our nails and here again today they need our attention. Lord, deliver us from the captivity that is time and usher us into the freedom that is hope and joy. May we be open to being formed again as Your people, whatever that may ultimately look like. You know our needs and yes, even our gripes, but we humbly request Your pardon for the negatives in our lives. We are better than that, thanks to You; make us that way again. For this dear reader I pray blessings upon blessings in whatever area of life they are needed, and all of this in the name of He who is our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord! Shower someone with heavenly things (yes, ask God what those may be, but watch out, He does answer!)

Receive my blessings of joy and peace,

Pastor Eradio Valverde