Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is today's study guide:
Tuesday: Nehemiah 4, 5, 6Describe Nehemiah’s approach to leadership as demonstrated in these three chapters.
Great leadership begins with prayer. Nehemiah was a great leader precisely because he was a man of prayer. A great leader knows that s/he can be guided only by listening to God. Nehemiah listened to God. Great leadership turns to God. Nehemiah had to turn to God several times during this important building campaign of the Temple Wall. Great leadership is not easily intimidated. Anytime a leader tries to fulfill God's calling or go in God's direction, there will be those who will criticize or condemn that work. A true leader will not listen to folly but to faith.
A great leader will take strategic steps. Though a leader should not listen to criticism in a way that harms progress, one can pick up what steps can be taken to protect the work of God that is being done. In Nehemiah's case, the things he heard had to do with the weaknesses of the Wall and how vulnerable it was to attack. Nehemiah took steps to protect the Wall and those working on it. He himself, took up a spear and it never left his side even at night.
A great leader will share. Nehemiah knew of the needs around his people while they worked, and so at his table, he sat those who were hungry and shared with them food. A great leader will cast a vision of commitment and sacrifice. To rebuild the Wall was no small feat, and to be a part of that building required people to rely on God. No income was coming in and some found themselves falling into indebtedness that involved selling relatives, even children, into slavery, to have food to eat. Nehemiah called all to stop usury (unusually high interest) in the tax being collected among themselves and to return all excess money to those who had given it.
A great leader prays for strength. Nehemiah overcame so much to accomplish the work of the Lord. And even when being taunted and challenged and threatened, he looked to the Lord for strength. We're not strong enough ourselves, our help has to come from the Lord.
We're all leaders in some area of our lives, whether we be a housewife, a parent, a grandparent, an aunt or uncle, there are those that look to us for leadership or influence, and we can learn from Nehemiah, how to be a better leader.
PRAYER: For those who look to me, O God, allow them to find in me a model of obedience and faithfulness. May I be the leader you've called me to be. And in those areas in which I am to follow, may I be the best follower I can. In Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!