Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: 2 Chronicles 33, 34Choose one word to describe each of the three successive kings Manasseh, Amon, and Josiah.
This one is easy: Manasseh: repentant. Amon: nonrepentent. Josiah: leader. It also made me think, what one word describes you and me? How do people know us? I know it's difficult and perhaps unfair to try and summarize our lives in a word, but the day may come when someone may ask you of others, what do you remember best about them? And in the same way, your children or friends may be asked the same thing about you. What will they say?
We learn from these three kings that life presents to us temptations and opportunities that are not all from God. We can fall and we can fail. But what we do after we fall or fail is the important thing. Manasseh started out really evil and lived an evil life until he needed God's help and made a heartfelt, genuine repentance before the Lord. Amon just didn't care and lived an evil life and died the same way. Josiah started out good and got even better in his walk with God. He knew a great thing when he saw it and wanted it for his life and stuck with it, growing stronger in faith as he lived. What are you doing and how are you living?
PRAYER: Loving God of second chances, I confess of my temptations and failures, and I thank you for this new opportunity to accept You and be guided by You. Lead me to the fullness of life. Help me be an overcomer in all things, and more than a conqueror when it comes to my sin. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord,