Tuesday, February 03, 2009


"Morning by morning, new mercies I see..." May it be so in the life of this dear reader. In thy Name, amen.

Sunday I made mention of the story that Mr. Red McCombs tells of his boyhood when on Saturday nights, he would sit at the kitchen table with his momma and watch her as she sorted out the meager earnings of his dad from his work as a shade tree mechanic. Momma would always set aside ten percent "for the Lord" (their tithe) and on Sunday Red would see Momma offer it to God. Red was blessed beyond most people's wildest dreams and I don't think Red ever had a chance to sit at his kitchen table to divide up money "for the Lord" and it may not have been a lesson learned by his children. My lesson in tithing was when I was 9 years old as I was being driven home by my Mom who told me that 10% was for the Lord. I thank God for her gentleness and love - for I never threw a fit nor got mad at this obligation. I saw it "neat" that I could do that for God. She asked me how much I made on that Saturday that I worked and I told her a dollar-fifty. "Set aside 15-cents for God, that is your diezmo for tomorrow in church." (If you know Spanish, diez is ten, so diezmo is tithe).

What do you do at your kitchen table on Saturday nights? Have you shared with God and more importantly have you taught the lesson on tithing to those who might sit with you? If you don't teach your children about tithing when they grow older and start making lots of money, giving anything away is difficult. The old story says that a man went to see his pastor and said, "Reverend, when I first started working, I made $120 a week, so giving $12 was nothing. Now that I make in the six figures it seems like too much money! Would you pray for me?" Sure, replied the pastor, "Lord, take away this six-figure job from this man and allow him to return back to his $120 a week..." The man interrupted, "Wait! I get it now!"

PRAYER: Loving God of all things, I am blessed. And from my blessings, let me return to You that which is Yours. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde

For more in-depth Bible study, use the study guide for today: Exodus 34:26 finds the mandate for giving unto the Lord. Please find that passage and see what it says there about giving to God from our "first fruits."