Friday, October 06, 2006


Good day dear friends. I thank those of you who receive prayer requests for your prayers for Caitlin, Nellie, and I. Late Wednesday we got a call from our daughter up here in Denton, that she was having chest pains and had an elevated heart rate. She was taken to ER, mom and dad took off from home, arriving here at 2:50 am and thank God it was only a chest strain from her dancing. Caitlin is a dance major and most of her classes and nights are spent in rehearsals. There is nothing wrong with her heart or lungs and so we're praising God!

We've been talking about the state of marriage in the Corinth church and anytime we discuss marriage, John 2 comes up. There is not much known as that wedding, we don't know the couples' names, nor do we need them, but we do know that "Jesus graced a wedding at Cana of Galilee" as we say in our marriage ritual, and that at that wedding Jesus performed his first miracle that of turning water into wine.

What we can also say is that it was a wedding with Jesus present as I personally believe all weddings should. The presence of One who loves and showed sacrificial love for all should be an inspiration and model for those who marry and even for those who just attend a wedding ceremony. The clever church signs have showed, "You Invited Me to the Wedding, Now Invite Me to the Marriage - Jesus." It says a lot. The Upper Room reading for today also said a lot ( The recommended passage was also a Pauline epistle in Ephesians 5. The church at Ephesus also seemed to have a marriage "problem" this one having to do with lack of or falling out of love in their marriages. Paul has to tell the husband to "love your wives." With Jesus in your marriage, love should never be an issue. Love like Jesus loved you and amazing things will happen!

PRAYER: God of love and grace, shower me with that love. I invite you to my life and to my marriage. Help me seek and serve You in all things. I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!
