God of all connections, connect lovingly and directly with this dear reader and all that s/he may be facing today. In Christ Jesus' precious Name, amen.
Everyday, no matter what time I get up, I go immediately to pray, then arise, come to my computer and go to the Upper Room devotional link. Twice this past week, I went to connect with that site and I got an error message. I immediately checked another site and instantly that site came up. It was a problem with that site's connection. I don't understand the workings beyond my fingers hitting keys. I'd love to know how my input on the keyboard sends the proper 1's and 0's to make them an image or letter, and how that goes out wires and yes, without wires to a universe beyond our thinking to get to someone else's computer. I do know it is a matter of connection. Most of us have heard, if we don't already own, what are called "smart phones," that can connect our voices throughout the world, they can remember dates and remind us of dates, connect us to satellites orbiting above to show us exactly where we are and by the use of a digital map show us where we should be. But again, it is a matter of being connected.
If we are not connected with God, we live our lives basically the same way as a disconnected computer or disconnected phone. We cannot function properly and we don't know where we are and we have at best, a vague of idea of where we should be going. This week I've been reminded of how disconnected we can be even if we "go to church." We can sit there, sing the hymns (and they'd better be the "right ones" or we'll stew in anger until we can get to tell someone our disappointment or worse, our anger at "the direction the church is taking."), hear the prayers, and hear the first part of a sermon, but it does us little to no good if we are not seeking to be connected with God.
God desired to connect with us. You don't believe me? Read John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." That's a desire to be connected and it was a desire on God's part to be connected with us because of love. Plug into God! Plug in to God's love and discover the joys of living! See the world from a new perspective and enjoy the fullness of life that that Son came to share! (See and read John 10:10 and discover that truth!). Dear friend, living a disconnected life is to live a meaningless, painful life. Connecting to God may not immediately take away the pain, but it will bring meaning and new tools and resources with how to soothe the pain and may lessen the pain we inflict on others.
PRAYER: Loving God, Heavenly Father, I ask for forgiveness for all the wrong I have done during the times I have been disconnected from You. Help me to be connected right now and all this day, and all days, directly to Your heart. May that connection shock new life and perspective into me, so that I may shock others by the good and love that can flow from me. I ask this in Christ Jesus' precious Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord. Shock somebody today with love!
Eradio Valverde