God of all the ages, bring youth and joy to this needed areas of this dear reader's life. In Christ Jesus' Name, amen.
Liam Carlos Vasquez is our grandson. Yesterday was an exciting day for him as he turned 10 months old, went to work at church with his mom, spent a day with family, and come night time, did not want to go to sleep. His mom called us and as we're talking we always ask, "What's Liam doing?" She replied, "He's trying to climb the wall." She relayed that he was in the crib. Once we ask for him she puts the phone on speaker so that he can hear us. Of course, Grandma and Grandpa change the tone of their conversation so that Liam will know we are speaking to him and not about him, and Caitlin said, "He's laying down now. When he hears your voice, Dad, he lays down." Hmm, it happens in church, too! When the conversation changed course, Liam would cry and get up again, and Mom said, "Liam, you're supposed to go to sleep now!" So, Grandpa started singing and Grandma joined in. Grandpa laughed as he didn't know all the words to Buddy Holly's "True Love Ways," but Mom said, "He's going to sleep!" Well, I do know the words to "Jesus Loves Me" in both English and Spanish, and several others, and soon Caitlin whispered, "He's asleep!" Grandpa said, "Thank God, and I hope this isn't a nightly thing!"
We thank God for the phone to allow us to hear those voices we recognize and love. There is a specialness to being called by our granddaughter, Sarai Evangelina, and a specialness to hear Liam laugh when we talk to him. We can't wait for Liam to be able to talk and enjoy calls from him. So it should be as we listen to the voice of God leading us and blessing us through our days. Our days would be more complete if we listened more for the voice of God than the other voices that come into our lives. I shared in my sermon yesterday how most Americans spend 10 minutes with God each day, while we spend four hours with the television. I asked if we ever talked to the TV knowing that we were being heard. The answer is yes, some of us do, sometimes with words we shouldn't use to persons whom are sharing erroneous things or when our sports teams mess up. The only one who influences us in a four-hour sitdown with the television is us. Not the same with our time with God. I would say most of those ten minutes are us telling God what to do; some are asking God for things. Most of us, if we're honest, don't listen for God to speak to us.
Our sermon was on Obsessed People; people who are so in love with God that their lives are marked with characteristics of love and service, giving, and reaching all in the Name of God. Obsessed people are guided people, people who listen and recognize the voice of God leading them to take risks and do things they might not ordinarily do.
Whose voice will you hear today?
PRAYER: Loving God, speak loud and clear to me today. Let me feel love as I hear You and as You direct me to take risks and serve Your people like never before. Let me truly be an obsessed person guided by You toward faithful and joyful service. Let the influences in my life come from You, from Your Word, from those whom You send to speak to me. I ask all this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
Eradio Valverde