God of mercy and love, share exactly what this dear reader needs today. In Christ Jesus' Name, amen.
The roar of a lion the first time you hear it is a beautiful thing. Yes, we hear it on television during nature shows and whatnot, but to actually hear it in person is something else. The speakers of an electronic device do not do it justice, and to be near it and to hear it live gives you a sense of the power behind this great beast. Of course, most of us have heard that live roar behind the safety and protection of a 30 foot drop, moat, thick glass, and strong steel fence. Can you imagine waking up on the ground among tall grass only to realize it is the roar of a lion that awoke you?
What would be your reaction to hearing this "king of the jungle" roaring because he has found a food source and you realize that food source is you? You might think again, "What a beautiful sound and I'm hearing it live! It's coming from one of the most majestic animals alive!" Then you realize that part of that majesty is the lion's ability to run faster than you, to capture you, and to ultimately devour you. The thoughts of beauty fade and you realize that fear has now taken over. Your next question is how did I get here? followed by "Why didn't anyone warn me?"
1 Peter 5:8 says this about life, "Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour." Our daily life may find us exactly as stated above, in lion country, unaware or fully aware, that we are the main course for "our adversary." Whatever guise evil takes, it is still evil and we know it goes against what God would have us do. If we want to be in lion's country, it should be to guide others away from the hungry lion and to places of safety. To be a guide, one must be prepared and aware or as the Bible says, "Discipline yourselves, keep alert."
PRAYER: Loving God, if today is a walk through lion country, let this serve as part of my discipline and awakening. May I be strong and watchful and alert to all the "lion" may throw my way. Let me instead be one who guides others away from harm and into your strong, safe arms. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.
Eradio Valverde