Great is this day, dear Lord. It is, like all Your hand touches, a wonderful
and new creation. I ask that Your touch be upon me. Right in me that which is
wrong. Make straight the crooked, and heal the sick in me and in those whom I
love. Prepare those who lead and proclaim at worship, that I might join them in
lifting up that which is mine to life and to receive that which is mine to
receive. Be glorified and praised in all places. Bring to Your house those who
need it and those who think they don't. Speak Your words of life to those near
death; bring Your light to those in darkness. Make hope be Your message today,
may it bring peace to each heart. I ask this in Christ Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed Lord's Day in His House!
For Harlingen FUMC members and friends, please don't forget today we have a
Fellowship Luncheon immediately after the 10:45 services. This will be in our
Raimond Christian Center. Bring enough to share with your pastor!