Thursday, June 02, 2011

God Rules!

Loving God, thank You for the rich blessings headed the way of this dear reader! In Christ Jesus I pray, amen!

Our text for today comes from Psalm 93: 1 God is King, robed and ruling, God is robed and surging with strength. And yes, the world is firm, immovable, 2 Your throne ever firm - you're Eternal! 3 Sea storms are up, God, Sea storms wild and roaring, Sea storms with thunderous breakers. 4 Stronger than wild sea storms, Mightier than sea-storm breakers, Mighty God rules from High Heaven. 5 What you say goes - it always has. "Beauty" and "Holy" mark your palace rule, God, to the very end of time. (The Message)

Today marks Ascension Day, the day Jesus left earth to return to Heaven. And it's only appropriate that a psalm that sings the praises of God be part of the recommended texts for this special day. In Heaven we place our faith in God the King. Heaven is God's dwelling place from which God rules. And the Psalmist sees God as robed in a kingly fashion, standing fast and strong against anything, including that which frightens so many, a sea storm. (Just watch one episode of "Deadly Catch" and that cures you of ever wanting that kind of job! And a good description of a sea storm). Yet, the Psalmist says, God is mightier than that! God is stronger than that! God rules! God rules now and until the end of time! Amen? Amen!

PRAYER: Loving and Mighty God, I praise You in the Heavenly places and we praise You here! Thank You for your strength and might and for ruling over our lives. Even when the sea storms in our lives get scary and more than we think we can handle, show Your strength and let me show my faith in You. I pray this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde