Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Jesus Has the Last Word on Everything & Everyone!

Image from slideplayer.com

That's what Christ did definitively: suffered because of others' sins, the Righteous One for the unrighteous ones. He went through it all - was put to death and then made alive - to bring us to God.He went and proclaimed God's salvation to earlier generations who ended up in the prison of judgment because they wouldn't listen. You know, even though God waited patiently all the days that Noah built his ship, only a few were saved then, eight to be exact - saved from the water by the water. The waters of baptism do that for you, not by washing away dirt from your skin but by presenting you through Jesus' resurrection before God with a clear conscience. Jesus has the last word on everything and everyone, from angels to armies. He's standing right alongside God, and what he says goes. (1 Peter 3:18-22)

Dear Friend,  I trust this finds you well!  Today I've shared the same passage in two different versions.  The graphic has a more traditional version, and the above is The Message.  I chose the message because of the next two last verse where it says something I heard years ago as we were praying with someone who was very ill.  "God has the last word."  And indeed, God does!  This version continues to share with us the plan and purpose of Jesus' ministry and how it continued even after His death.  Jesus died for our sins, yes, even yours and mine.  John Wesley's conversion account includes the realization that he finally understood:  "I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death."  Jesus suffered much and died a painful death out of the love He had for us to take away our sins. He descended into "the prison of judgment" as this version calls Hell, to proclaim God's salvation to those who had not listened when they had the chance.  As we understand it, this was a one-time deal; it does not happen to all who end up in judgment.

Jesus has the last word on you, dear one.  He first wants to remove your sins.  You've held on to them long  enough; it's Jesus' turn with them now.  He then wants to bring restoration to you and your whole being.  We trust Jesus to make us whole and holy according to His way and His plan.  His place at the right hand of God serves us as it will be Jesus interceding for us before the Father.

What do you need to turn over to Jesus right now?  Trust and believe in Him.  He said in His ministry, "come unto me all who are heavy-laden and I will give you rest."  He still does that.  The burdens of guilt and shame are too much for one soul to carry; take a deep breath after you've given them to Jesus and see if you don't feel stronger and more alive.  It's as close by as your next prayer.  Remember yesterday we spoke about surrender, that includes our surrendering our sins and burdens to Jesus.

PRAYER:  LOVING Lord, as my friend prays, let them surrender to You that which has troubled and burdened them long enough.  Lift the load of guilt and shame off those who need it; and bring new life and a renewal of spirit to all who pray this prayer.  In Christ Jesus' awesome and powerful name we pray, amen!

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!  Smile for your load has become lighter through Jesus!

Eradio Valverde

REMINDER:  Today is the day for many Christians to eat to their heart's content the things they are giving up for Lent.  I pray that we spend today thinking about what we are hoping to take up instead of give up.  Take up prayer, or singing, or writing praises; whatever blesses your soul, do that!  Don't forget tomorrow early, some churches may have Ash Wednesday services; make it a point to go and start the Lenten Journey there.