Wednesday, March 27, 2019

No More Baby Food!

Image from

God said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt." That's why the place is called The Gilgal. It's still called that.  The People of Israel continued to camp at The Gilgal. They celebrated the Passover on the evening of the fourteenth day of the month on the plains of Jericho. Right away, the day after the Passover, they started eating the produce of that country, unraised bread and roasted grain.  And then no more manna; the manna stopped. As soon as they started eating food grown in the land, there was no more manna for the People of Israel. That year they ate from the crops of Canaan. (Joshua 5: 9-12 The Message)

Happy Wednesday, dear Friend!  My prayers are that this finds you well and enjoying God's grace for you and yours.  I pray that the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ bless and guide you today.  May our decisions for today glorify Him!

The end of the forty years in the wilderness takes place in this special passage for today.  Joshua was selected by God to replace Moses.  Joshua found himself as the second "pastor" of a huge "church," and inherited all the glories and worries left to him by the first and founding "pastor."  It was this young man that took the people of God across the Jordan into the Promised Land, and coming to this site, God says, "Your days of slavery and its heavy burden have been rolled away; Egypt will become a distant memory for you and my people."  The place is called Gilgal and there's debate as to the actual meaning of the word, but suffice it to represent the place where Israel is now its own country, with much still before it, but not as great as that which they were leaving behind.  Keep the phrase rolled away in your mind, because on a Sunday not too far from today, it takes on a new meaning.  You'll have to go to church to find out!  :)

As the people stayed in Gilgal they reached the point also, where the anniversary of the Passover, about the 41st (?) celebration, they celebrated the act of God to free them.  The very next day, instead of the manna, bread from heaven, they ate the produce of the land.  That which they planted and that which was natural to the area became their food.  The manna supply from Heaven was over; they were now producing their own food; the days of "baby food" were gone.  Do you remember the first time you had to buy groceries for yourself and preparing your own meals?  Me neither!  Just kidding; I do.  I had two main food groups: chicken and peanut butter.  I would bake the chicken and feast on that for days, and when that ran out, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for me.  It was quite the scary but exciting day for me to know that I had to feed myself. The early years of Mom preparing most of our meals, and I mean most, since our economics didn't allow for too many meals in restaurants or fast food establishments, were over.  The rare occasion was the place in Corpus Christi, where hamburgers were ten for a dollar; and I use the word hamburger very loosely.  They were the size of cookies and did not fill up a hungry boy. Or two other boys, two girls, and mom.  The boys used to watch our sisters eat ever so slowly with the same question on our male lips:  You gonna finish that?

The day was a powerful day.  The cartoon at the top summarizes what we image could have happened.  In other one that I saw, but didn't select, was one of a man telling a man, "Good News!  No more manna!"  The man told that goes and tells another one, "Horrible news!  No more manna!"  The one at the top of this devotional was selected because of the Texas influence; chili con carne with unleavened bread (like crackers) would go good.  The Lord had blessed them with independence and on this day, complete independence was theirs.  God provided the way out, led them and formed them as a people, and this day finds them totally dependent on themselves.  God was still watching over them and guiding them, but that day God got out of the food delivery business.

Much like in your homes when your little ones were weaned and they could join you at the table; there was rejoicing and celebration.  God as Father had led them to this important stage in their lives.  

Where does God have you today?  I pray it is a place of celebration and learning; a place where you know you're where you are, because God has led you here; still much to do, but with God leading the way, you will be victorious!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for all the good You have provided in my life.  I receive this day as a day of celebration.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, but all the way here and all the way to what's next, You have been with me.  Guide me and sustain me; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen!

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!  Help someone celebrate the goodness of God today!

Eradio Valverde

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