Tuesday, March 27, 2012

God's Love Never Quits!

Loving God of all seasons, as we draw to the close of this Lenten Journey, bless and amaze this dear reader; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Two of my other blogs and postings are listed below if you desire to read and pray more during the day.

Our text for today comes from Psalm 118: 1 Thank God because he's good, because his love never quits. 2 Tell the world, Israel, "His love never quits." 19 Swing wide the city gates - the righteous gates! I'll walk right through and thank God! 20 This Temple Gate belongs to God, so the victors can enter and praise. 21 Thank you for responding to me; you've truly become my salvation! 22 The stone the masons discarded as flawed is now the capstone! 23 This is God's work. We rub our eyes - we can hardly believe it! 24 This is the very day God acted - let's celebrate and be festive! 25 Salvation now, God. Salvation now! Oh yes, God - a free and full life! 26 Blessed are you who enter in God's name - from God's house we bless you! 27 God is God, he has bathed us in light. Festoon the shrine with garlands, hang colored banners above the altar! 28 You're my God, and I thank you. O my God, I lift high your praise. 29 Thank God - he's so good. His love never quits! (The Message)

God's love never quits. One of the theme runnings through this beautiful psalm. The other theme is the fulfillment of prophecy as we mentioned yesterday. Look at verse 19, "Swing wide the city gates - the righteous gates! I'll walk right through and thank God!" Part of what we will remember and celebrate this coming Sunday, which in case you haven't guessed, is Palm Sunday, is that Jesus' parade through the gates of Jerusalem was what David envisioned so many years before Jesus. David knew that his entry back to the town which became his capital was special but would not compare to the day when God would act in a way that would bring what Israel truly needed; the restoration of the "paradise relationship" as found in Genesis. When we get right with God and allow God to rule our lives, we are like Adam and Eve, walking the garden with God. (The other word is "salvation.") When we are in relationship with God our eyes can truly see that God's love never quits.

Join the parade! Enter into relationship with God and become One who truly knows that "God's love never quits."

PRAYER: Loving God, we're nearing the end of these 40 days and the best is yet to come. Make new in my heart and the person who reads this as their own, that faith that helps me realize, live and share, "Your love never quits!" In Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde

Dear friends, you can read my 50 Days of Prayer blog at this address: http://50daysprayer.blogspot.com/ and a new blog that I post on from time to time: http://thepastorsgift.blogspot.com/