Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Day Three

Read John 10:11-18: Key Verse: 11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

Imagine a great meeting hall with one thousand people in it. Imagine walking around that great hall and you think you've walked into that part of Acts 2 where people were all speaking different languages. Imagine that they are all there for the same reason, to celebrate that God worked in their midst and brought them to faith and the banner they wear is the same. Such will be the gathering in Tampa of the 2012 General Conference. Besides celebration there will be times for decision and debate. Thus we the reason we are in prayer at this time.

Today's text tells of Jesus' declaration of being the Good Shepherd. A retired pastor once shared what was told him by the late Dr. Albert Outler in one of his classes. This pastor as a seminary student was asked by Dr. Outlet what he hoped to accomplish as a minister and he replied that he wanted to be a good shepherd to his flock. Dr. Outler said, "They already have a good shepherd; the best you can hope to be is a good sheep dog!" Jesus is the Good Shepherd, what we are is yet being written, but the point is this: Jesus came for everybody. Those who would desire a relationship with Jesus can find it; it's still a free gift and it's the best deal around.

PRAYER: HOLY GOD, move among us as we celebrate this Your day. Help us to be a part of that great movement that reaches all the sheep, especially those who think they don't want to be found. In Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde