Monday, May 29, 2017

Out of Believers' Hearts Shall Flow Rivers of Living Water

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On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.” ’ Now he said this about the Spirit, which believers in him were to receive; for as yet there was no Spirit, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (John 7:37-39)

We serve and believe in a God who takes care of us.  This passage and many like it speak of God's willingness to quench our thirst and satisfy our hunger.  Jesus, speaking of the coming of the Holy Spirit begins with an invitation for all who were thirsty to come to Him and among those, those who believe could drink.  I can see that many might approach Him, but only the believers would drink.  Then Jesus quotes scripture, "Out of believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water."  Jesus could already see that which had not yet happened, even among us - that if we would believe, we would be a part of that which satisfies our thirst for God, because the Holy Spirit living in us would be that refreshment of thirst.  I should add that for the past seven years I have lived in an area where from time to time it has been necessary for us to drink boiled water.  And there have been times when not even that was considered safe and bottled water had to be brought down and given to residents of our city.  Thirst becomes quite a concern for many, though water is brought in, because no one likes being thirsty.  If the source of water is scarce, people thirst even more; but if the source is God and God freely and lovingly makes the offer of living water available, there should be fear about thirst.  God has this!

The passage then shares how the believers were to receive the Holy Spirit after Jesus was glorified.  At the time Jesus spoke these words there was not yet an early manifestation of the Spirit, but the Spirit was coming, and in a mighty way (Wait for tomorrow's passage!).

It is up to us to live a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led life that helps others know that we know the source of water.  We have been to the source, drank to our fill, and now from the overflow of our hearts we should help others come to drink that water that shall never dry, which is Christ Jesus our Lord.

PRAYER:  Lord of the Living Water, satisfy in me again the thirst that I have for You.  Quench my thirst and let it overflow right out of my heart in ways that bless the still thirsty.  Let them see You in me in inviting ways, so that the world might no longer thirst for You.  This I pray in the strong name of Jesus my Lord, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.  Bless the Thirsty, My Friend!

Eradio Valverde