Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Yesterday's devotional I thought had been mailed out. Nellie asked me late last night if I had sent it and I said I had. And now that I'm way behind this morning, the first thing that pops up is that yesterday's message is "Awaiting Approval." Great. Sorry it's late.
Here is today's study guide:
Wednesday: Isaiah 46, 47, 48, 49Isaiah 49 speaks of the restoration of Jerusalem, which was fulfilled as the Jews returned from the Babylonian exile. To what degree might this passage be applied to later times, including our own day?
In all our dealings, both at home and at work, we are to be known as God's people. There should not be a compartment where we try to keep God or our godly living. All areas of our lives should reflect the glory of the Lord in us. Restoration speaks of making new what was once broken. In other words, in God's hands, all things can be made new. Listen to that, not "like new" which is always a gamble as you try to be something that has been "reconditioned" or "almost new." NEW! That's restoration. That's life in God's hands. All who ask to be made new are so made.
What's cracking up in your life today? Turn it over to God through prayer and faith and wait upon the Lord. You'll be amazed and blessed.
PRAYER: Lord, you better than anyone know what is cracking up and breaking down in my life. I turn those over to You and trust You. Make all my life NEW! I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!