Thursday, September 20, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Jeremiah 4, 5, 6Identify the sins of Jerusalem described in Jeremiah 5.
I can do no wrong in the eyes of my granddaughter. She's at the age where anything I do, any face I make, causes her to smile or laugh. The only wrong I do is when she's being carried by her grandmother, and I leave the room. She cries like she is in terrible pain. As soon as I come back in, she is fine. To be fair, she does the same if I'm carrying her and grandma leaves the room. For her at her age, relationship means having both grandparents together paying attention to her.
Today's reading of Jeremiah 5 reminds me a bit of what God desires and how we react to that desire. God desired, and still does, a "presence" relationship. Just like I know my granddaughter will soon be more mobile and crawl away on her own, then walk, then run, we do the same to God. God wants us near, we want to be on our own. The people to whom Jeremiah was preaching, had chosen to leave God behind and move on to a life of sin. And what sin could that be? To wander off in search of another god.
Nothing nor no one can take the place of God. We may seek substitutes but we'll never find one. The place in your heart meant for God can only be filled by God. Money, sex, drugs, alcohol, cars, boats, planes, big houses, none of those things can fill that place.
God wants a presence relationship with you right now. Why do you hold back?
PRAYER: Loving God, I know You desire a presence relationship with me, let it be. Let me seek You at all times and in all places. Help me to see You. Let others see You in me as well. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!