Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Isaiah 24, 25, 26In what sense does Isaiah 24 refer to a specific, coming time, and in what sense is it a kind of general warning, intended to bring listeners and readers to repent?
The entrance question to join the early Methodist society was, "Are you willing to flee the coming wrath of God?" Quite a question! Very pointed. Some today would ask, what sort of question is that, or, I wouldn't join a group that asks such questions! Sadly, the Israelites thought much along those lines as well. They didn't care about angering God or that a result of that anger might bring destruction to them and their nation.
The passage from Isaiah 24 is indeed a general warning to all who hear it and receive it, to turn away from sin and towards God. The images the prophet is sharing are serious ones: "God's about to ravish the earth and leave it in ruins..." The list of who's to be included is simply everyone, no one will escape. Everyone has violated the covenant they had with God and they could care less.
This was mentioned in my sermon on Sunday; we think we're growing more sophisticated and mature, and we dismiss altar promises made yesterday as sentimental or emotional decisions that we can't accept today, we dismiss things we once saw as miracles as nothing special, and as Isaiah said in his first chapter, we've become dumber than the ox. At least the ox knows its owner. We've forgotten, and we find ourselves far from Him.
May we strive today to please God with our thoughts, words, and actions. May we seek to be a light to those still walking and living in darkness. May we offer God's love through our life.
PRAYER: Holy God, make me holy. Remind me of Your great love. Help me to seek ways to please You and glorify You. May my life be an example to others. I ask this in Christ Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!