Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Isaiah 43, 44, 45What are our modern equivalents to idolatry? In what fashion are we worshipers of idols?
When our parents were growing up, roughly 80% of the people in the US went to church every Sunday. During our childhood (the Boomers) that number was about 50%, our kids' generation only 30%, and it is feared that by the time our grandkids are adults that number will have dropped to 10%. That generation will know "Adam and Eve" as perhaps in the form of a joke. The names of Samson, Moses, Noah will not be common. And even sadder, the Name of Jesus may not be known as Lord and Savior. What does that say about modern equivalents to idiotry, I mean, idolatry? That some actually make themselves idols and cater only to their needs. Others make staying in bed on Sunday, or having fun on Sunday with their cars, boats, planes, etc. their idols. And anytime we place anyone or anything above God, we are indeed worshiping idols.
The people of Isaiah's time suffered what they did because they did not know God. They placed their faith in what their neighbors did, which was to buy an idol and place it in their home or in a neighborhood temple, and God told Isaiah to tell the people that they were wasting their time, for nothing comes of idol worship. Not even today.
Go back and reread the Ten Commandments and see what God says about Himself. Know that our God is a living God, and one who doesn't take second place to anyone or anything.
PRAYER: Loving God, let me make You number one in my life again today. Never let me be distracted by idols or the worship of anything or anyone other than You. Forgive me the sins of my past. I pray these things in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!