Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Gracious Father, open the windows of Heaven with rich and unexpected blessings upon this dear reader. Amen!

Today is our Day of Prayer. Our focus has been on forgiveness, especially among friends. It was heartwarming to hear from our daughter who was relating our granddaughter's first day of the spring semester in her day care. Sarai Evangelina is learning to talk and she's a quick learner but is at that stage where she will learn one's name and no one else can share it. For example, Nellie is or would like to be known as "Grandma." But she hears our daughter calling her, "Mom." And one day while visiting in San Marcos a church member from there addressed her as "Nellie." Little Sarai heard that and before going to bed, came to her grandma, handed her something and said, "Here, Nellie," laughed and ran away. Her mom heard her and said, "Don't call her Nellie! She's Grandma!" Well, she still does not call her Grandma, she now calls her "Mom-mom." For the record I have been and will always be, "Daddy." Well, yesterday in class she met a new assistant teacher named Carli. The main teacher told Sarai's mom, "Sarai had no trouble repeating new names and words, except for Teacher Carli. She said, "No," when asked to repeat her laugh and thereafter laughed whenever we would say that the teacher's name was Carli. My daughter replied, "Carli is the name of my sister, Sarai's aunt and best friend." What a joy to hear that and to know it is true; among the other relationship titles we may have in life with others, isn't it special to be called and known as "friend."

May we pray that today we would be a friend to those we know as "Honey," "Dear," "Darling," "Dad," "Mom," "Child," "Son," "Daughter," etc. It's so easy to just be "husband" or "wife." Can't we add the specialness of "friend" to all relationships? And if friends, especially "BFFs," can we not learn to forgive one another? Make that your prayer today. Or, if you wish, you can pray this sample prayer:

PRAYER: God of love and God whose Son wanted to call us all "friends," may I truly be a friend to those special people in my life. I'm thankful to be a spouse, but let me make my spouse thankful as I make him/her my friend today and all days. May I be a friend to my parents, to my children, to my employees or employers; may I be a friend to Jesus in all that I say, think, or do. And as friends, let me learn how to forgive when necessary. May my heart be filled not only with love, but also the spirit of compassion and understanding when it comes time to forgive. I ask this in Jesus' precious Name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde

Prayer Request Updates: Isis Hernandez' surgery went well and she was able to go home a couple of hours after it. Marcus is excited because his surgery went so well that a big toe that had been numb because of his back problems has feeling in it and he may be going home today. I have not heard about the procedure for Mrs. Heard, but I trust that no news is good news.

Please continue to hold Michael Callaway in your prayers. A tumor was discovered on his spine on top of the other areas where he is battling cancer. We know God will have the last word. Thank you and blessings unto you for your taking time to pray for one another.