Thursday, May 07, 2009


Good day dear friends. I wrote last night's (actually today's) ConCafe early enough that a dear friend asked for an "elaboration." Here goes: We have at least two basic types of regrets in our lives, those things we think we should have done, and those things we wish we hadn't done. Both are heavy weights and can easily fill up your "backpack" in such a way that you're lumbering around life not free to get on with God's things in life.

The Bible verses from last night clearly show that in both cases, God does not want us to carry those things around. I asked the question yesterday, "If you could go back and re-do a part of your life, what would it be and Why?" I received many different answers. The most common was just to slow things down in those parts of our life where special days were involved or where our children were involved. But most said that things that did happen in the past happened for a good reason and we were the better for it today. I agree.

We cannot go back in time. I love the scene in a silly movie, "Napolean Dynamite," where Napolean's uncle is wishing he could go back in time to play out his football career. "If only the coach had put me in, we would have won state and I'd have gone to college and I would have gone pro!" (Of course, I'm remembering the line and those of you who might have the movie memorized will say, 'not even close.' Oh, well.) He goes to far as to ask if either of his nephews had looked into time travel. Next thing you know he's hooked up to a "time machine" he bought on the Internet and it serves only to burn him in two places; his body and his pocketbook.

Enjoy today, someone once said, it's a gift from God and that's why it's called "the present."

PRAYER: Giver of good gifts, thank you for today, for life, for health, for all that I have received both good and bad. From the good I have been richly blessed and from the bad I have learned and thus been blessed as well. Help me to share my life with others in such a way that they become blessed as well. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde