Thursday, May 14, 2009


Loving Father, be merciful to the needs of this dear reader. In Christ's Name, amen.

ALL: Thank you for your prayers for Saraí Evangelina, our granddaughter. Her surgery went well and she's already home. She was a bit cranky afterwards as one would expect.

In the fourth chapter of Judges, we're introduced to a prophetess by the name of Deborah. She was a woman of strong faith and because of that faith had been set up as a judge over God's people. As a prophet, she was in charge of almost every aspect of the people's lives; the spiritual, political, criminal and civil, and the military. In verse 6, she sends for a man named Barak, whom God has requested, by name, to go and fight an important battle for the Israelites. Now, the great thing about being called by name by God, is that God has already figured out and done all the advance work necessary for the task at hand. In this case, God said fight the battle, and the battle is yours. It's a no-brainer. God had already planned the strategy and the way in which to win the battle. All Barak had to do was show up!

The truth was that Barak, like most of us, was afraid. His response to Deborah and to God was, "I'll only go, if you go with me!" Now, fellas, this is a bit embarrassing I know, but it's recorded in the Bible. Women, enjoy it and claim it! This general, if you please, trained in battle and supposedly ready for battle, will go only if Deborah would go with him. He needed a presence and an assurance that God was with him and for him it was in the form of this strong woman of faith.

I live with a strong woman of faith and I feel great in her presence and in her prayers. I've waged many a battle alongside my woman, and I thank God for her. But what Barak needed, that I have, is my own personal faith in God. Until you do have it, learn from and be blessed by those who do have it. If you have a strong woman of faith learn from her but seek that which God can give you, and that is your own personal faith in the Lord.

PRAYER: Loving God, I thank you for the story of Deborah and her strong faith. I thank you for the women in my life who have blessed and strengthened me. I thank you for my wife who walks with me and has helped and blessed me. Bless this dear reader in his/her quest for the faith to do that which You has asked of them. I pray this prayer of faith in Jesus' Name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde