Monday, October 29, 2012

May Everything Good from God Be Yours!

1 Peter 1:1 I, Peter, am an apostle on assignment by Jesus, the Messiah, writing to exiles scattered to the four winds. Not one is missing, not one forgotten. 2 God the Father has his eye on each of you, and has determined by the work of the Spirit to keep you obedient through the sacrifice of Jesus. May everything good from God be yours!

The above symbol is a symbol for the Apostle Peter. The rooster a symbol of one of Peter's not finest hours, when he betrayed Jesus; we won't let him forget that will we? Yet, we have in some letters in the New Testament some solid teachings that I thought would be a logical followup to Timothy's letters. The authorship of the letters attributed to Peter is contested. Some scholars believe it was Peter. Some do not. We'll leave the arguing to them; we'll enjoy the Word.

The author says he is Peter and is writing to those who have been scattered throughout the world because of persecution. The writer believes that Jesus is the Expected One, the One selected by God to be the Messiah. And God, who called Jesus, is aware of those who were scattered, for God knows where they are, so Peter says "Not one is missing, not one forgotten." And he assures us that God has His eye on each of us. And not only that, God has sent the Holy Spirit to be among us to guide our work in faithful obedience to God. And the desire of Peter as he writes is that "everything good from God be yours (ours)."

If we seek to serve God, no matter where that may take us, God goes with us and helps us in our work. This was a theme of Jesus' teaching about those who leave homes, and fathers, and mothers, and lands for the sake of the Gospel. In our obedience, we are rewarded for our efforts. We can go no place where God is not aware of exactly where we are and more importantly, God is there with us.

PRAYER: Loving God, bless this Your servant as s/he seeks to serve You. Guide them to the place where You would have them be, so they can be faithful in service to You. This I pray in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name. As we pray, we are mindful of those along the Eastern seaboard who are being hit by a hurricane. We know that millions are without electricity and we pray Your presence and power among them. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde