Saturday, June 23, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Saturday: 2 Kings 1, 2, 3What was Elisha’s secret in gaining the power that had marked the ministry of Elijah?
Elisha's secret was knowing that Elijah possessed God's Spirit in his life. All that Elijah did throughout his lifetime was because of that Spirit. And Elisha also knew the day when Elijah was going back "home." During that day Elisha followed the old man and would not let him out of his sight. Finally, Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted, and here was the secret fulfilled, Elisha said he wanted not only the spirit that Elijah had, he wanted a double portion of that spirit. It was not enough, or so it seemed to Elisha to just ask for the same spirit, he wanted double the amount, just to be safe.
In so many areas of our lives, we think we can get by with just enough, but how many of us in our spiritual lives would like to have twice what we have already or what someone we admire spiritually has? What would we do with such a spiritual power? Elisha, though a man of God, was still a man, and we read that one of the second things he does is to get rid of a gang of kids that were calling him names! Not a very spiritual thing, was it? It just shows we can sometimes abuse the good we get from God. Our prayer should be that we use what we have from God to glorify Him!
PRAYER: Come to us, dear God, and visit us with Your Spirit. Grant to us a double portion of what You will, but only to serve You and glorify and bless Your name. Let me be Your servant and a servant to Your people. I pray and ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!