Friday, June 22, 2007


Good day dear friends.
An update on the Tillmas: I visited Redwood Springs and was told they move in tomorrow, Saturday. I did visit with Linda Stapper, Grace Hyatt, and Madeline West. These dear ladies need our prayers and a visit. Everyone is invited to visit them from time to time.
Here is our study guide for today:
Friday: 1 Kings 21, 22What does the story of Naboth imply about the difference between the conduct of royalty in Isreal and in Jezebel’s homeland?
We can presume that the royalty in Israel was more of a respecter of personal property than those of Jezebel's homeland, for when Naboth refused to sell or trade his vineyard, Ahab only sulked. Jezebel, when she saw him sulking and refusing to eat, orders him to "be the boss!" This, sadly, included the murder of Naboth.
How do we rule our kingdoms? With absolute power and authority or with love and respect. Do we always insist on our own way or do we seek to compromise and get along?
What lessons are you teaching those "under" you about how they will rule their kingdoms? Are your children learning positive life lessons from you or have you "cloned" them to be just like you?
PRAYER: Loving Father, we pray that we might be like You in those realms of influence and authority that we have. May we seek to be loving and compassionate to those who depend on us. We pray in Christ Jesus' precious name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!