Thursday, January 31, 2019

What are God's Holy Plans for You?

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This is what God said:  "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations - that's what I had in mind for you." But I said, "Hold it, Master God! Look at me. I don't know anything. I'm only a boy!" God told me, "Don't say, 'I'm only a boy.' I'll tell you where to go and you'll go there. I'll tell you what to say and you'll say it. Don't be afraid of a soul. I'll be right there, looking after you." God's Decree.  God reached out, touched my mouth, and said, "Look! I've just put my words in your mouth - hand-delivered!  See what I've done? I've given you a job to do among nations and governments - a red-letter day! Your job is to pull up and tear down, take apart and demolish, And then start over, building and planting." Stand Up and Say Your Piece (Jeremiah 1: 4-10 The Message)

Happy Thursday dear Friend!  I trust this finds you well and ready to pray!  Our most pressing need, among so many, is for The Rev. Virgilio Vasquez Garza, who undergoes emergency eye surgery.  Yesterday he went for a scheduled exam and the doctor found the need to operate as soon as possible; so today at about 9:30 am he is scheduled to have this surgery.  It is a delicate surgery and one best guided and blessed by our prayers.  Pray also for his wife, Acacia.  Yesterday, Nellie and I had a chance to visit and take Communion to Doug Smith in Wimberley.  Doug has great faith and is in great spirits and needs our prayers for God to continue to support him and bring comfort to him.  Pray for Autumn and their three children.  Pray for one another and pray for yourself.

What an incredible thing to know, that God knew you before you even were shaped in your mother's womb.  Such is the awesomeness of God and His power to know all things.  As God is calling Jeremiah to his work as a prophet, God shared that with him.  God also tells Jeremiah that God had holy plans for him, just as I believe that all who believe, love, and trust the Lord, God has plans for you.  There is a specialness to you that God appreciates and so do many around you.  We can hide behind many excuses as did tried Jerry as God lays out His plans for him, but God won't have it.  God can touch you and prepare you for whatever plan it is that God has for your life.  I was in the eleventh grade when I first felt God calling me.  I shrugged it off and thought God had the wrong person, and immediately looked around my church and pointed out the other people in my youth group saying, "That one is better, Lord.  How about this one, Lord?"  And as much as I tried to hide behind my youth, my shyness, my fear of public speaking, etc., God just kept saying, "Nope.  It's you and I will prepare and use you!"  The plans I thought I had for my life suddenly changed and God began to open doors for me to attend college and all that was necessary for my preparation as a minister.  God has always provided and even with the still occasional doubt about my calling, God comes through and provides in a mighty way.

You may not yet know, regardless of your age, of what it is that God would have you do, but believe me, most of you have and are, already doing it.  A solid foundation of faith provides the building that God needs to build up His kingdom in you and the work that you need to do for Him.  I have known and been blessed by many a shut-in who carry on prayer ministries on behalf of their church.  Their impact may not be well known now, but once in Glory, they will be rewarded for those prayers they lifted up that lifted us up when we needed it most.  There are people who have a natural ability to encourage and bless people even when they just think they're being nice.  A kind word at the right time has lifted me many a time, or been the precise thing I needed to hear to continue my work.  And if you don't believe me, ask God!  I love sharing how Laurie Beth Jones, noted author of Jesus CEO, The Path, and Jesus Life Coach, once reached a low point in her work. Her work in writing tremendous books has touched many lives, but she felt she was not being faithful or fruitful.  She called a trusted friend who told her she once felt that same thing and that morning of her feeling lower than she ever had, she found a penny.  She picked it up and read, "In God We Trust," and that blessed her and she realized that God had provided that penny at the right time.  From then on, when she had just a teeny moment of doubt, there was penny.  She even shared how right before a surgery she began to panic because she had not found a penny as as she lay in the gurney awaiting to be wheeled into the surgical theatre, an orderly came in and asked her, "Is this your penny?  It was right outside the door."  She answered that it was.  So, Laurie prayed and asked God for a sign, and as she finished the sign came to a lady bug, one of her favorite creatures.  She smiled and thanked God for having shared that sign.  She also said that once in an ice-storm covered Dallas airport (Laurie at the time lived in El Paso),   She fretted that she had to be in this cold environment, riding an auto rental company bus towards an ice-covered car, and was told by the driver that this was the closest he could get to her car.  She trudged through the ice and muttered her frustrations and prayed at the same time and when she went to put the car key in the door to open it, there was a lady bug on the ice-covered keyhole of that car.  It changed her perspective and knew she was in the right place doing the right thing.

Where are you?  What have you done lately for the Lord?  I pray that this would motivate you to action.  Pray and ask, wait and work, and then be the best you can at whatever it is that God has laid out for you and your life.  You're never too young nor old to do what God has for you.  In my case, I was in a large church, I had preached the last sermon of that Sunday and I was feeling low, questioning my call and purpose and prayed like Ms. Jones for God to show me what I should be doing. I asked for a sign.  As the congregation sang I made my way down the center aisle to have the usual hand-shaking ritual that most churches have and just as I'm about to get to the door, out of nowhere, a child runs out, grabs my legs and hugs me tight.  Nice, Lord, said I silently, I hear you!  Then I walk a little closer tot he door, and a dad from our cry room comes out with his child and the child leans out really out, and grabs my neck and hugs me!  Nice again, Father!  Thank you I prayed.  Then a parent coming down from our choir loft with a child, has to let go of the child's hands because she need to run and hug me.  Three times.  I thanked the Lord; that was my sign then and still is; a child will hug me just when I need it most.  God is good.

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, bless this dear reader as s/he prays for direction and clarity in their life.  Make clear that which You have shared as part of their specialness to You so that they may continue or begin their special ministry blessing You and Yours.  I thank You for the call You share with us all.  I again pray for Virgilio and for Doug and their families.  Be glorified, dear Lord in their lives and in ours; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!  Be special to God and bless someone with that specialness!

Eradio Valverde

If you'd like to read a book that helps bless your life and ministry, here is a link to Laurie Beth Jones' The Path: