Saturday, May 12, 2007


Good day dear friends.
We thank the Lord for Luci True Tomlinson's birthday! Happy 1st birthday to True! And we thank the Lord for Carli Ilsa Valverde's graduation from Texas Lutheran University today! May Carli and all graduates be blessed!
Here is our study guide for today:Saturday: Joshua 7, 8, 9What insight about the communal nature of life do you gain from the Achan story? How is this different from our more independent way of approaching life?
This is a time of war in our readings. The people of God are being led by God. Joshua as general, has to listen to God and follow His instruction. At one point God may say, "Take no plunder," and then another God will say, "Take all you want." It's a form of discipline and discipleship: Do as God says, not as you want. In this Achan, violated the commandment from God which was take no plunder. He saw a robe and some silver that he liked and thought, and this is typical shoplifter, petty thief stuff, no one will be the wiser if I just sneak this out. How wrong he was! God knew. And God found him out. Joshua knew exactly who was guilty and called him out. Achan's actions cost the lives of 36 men, for God was angry and not blessing and protecting the Israelites like before. This loss was a devastating loss for Joshua and all the people. Joshua even asks God why, and doesn't this sound like the people before?, did you have to make us cross the Jordan? It was the sin of one man who cost the lives of thirty-six other men.
We seem to approach life differently today, thinking our actions hurt on one else and as long as that happens no one is the wiser for it, but God always knows. And our actions can and do break God's heart. If we were truly God-led, we would be doing only those things that please and honor God. Our actions when not God-led, may break not only God's heart, but the hearts of others in our homes, our churches, our workplaces, our friends, etc.
Is God leading your actions? Are you seeking to please God in all things?
PRAYER: Come, loving God and make me be Yours in all ways, especially as I think out my decisions and actions for today. Speak lovingly to my heart and mind that I may be Yours. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!